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My head felt so heavy. I slowly opened my eyes and the ceiling was the first sight I caught.

I stared blankly at it and tried recalling what had happened. Wait the dagger!.

I gasped and touched the place I had been stabbed but surprisingly I couldn’t feel anymore pain.


I moved my eyes and caught him standing and staring at me.

What happened? Taehyung?. What happened last night?.

I struggled and sat up on the bed. I was so confused and nervous.

Who was the lady that tried to kill Chaeyoung last night? And how come the dagger didn’t have any effect on me?.

I looked at Chaeyoung and his silence got me stunned and more confused. I gulped nervously and lowered my gaze.

"Good mo-morning", I stuttered but didn’t hear anything from him.

Then I lifted my eyes to look at him and still caught him staring at me.

Why’s he acting this way?. Why isn’t he saying anything?.

Oh, no! He must probably be wondering why I hook the dagger for him. Could that be the reason for his silence?

"How’re you feeling?", He finally asked in his usual calm voice. I stared down at the bed.

"I’m...I’m fine", I replied.

Then he turned around and backed me, his hands crossed behind his back.

He stayed that way for a long time and it kept me in so much suspense. What if he’s actually reading my thoughts?.

He took in a deep breath before turning around to face me again.

"Go on and take your bath. I’ll have the maids get you something to eat", He spoke coldly and walked out of the room.

I watched blankly as he walked out of the room and shut the door. I was confused.

For the first time, I could notice something I never thought I could notice in Chaeyoung fear.

What’s going on?.



I couldn’t stand her presence in the room. I badly wanted to talk to her and ask her what was going on but as I stared into her eyes. I just couldn’t stand it.

This is wrong.

No one has ever made me feel this way before. It’s not even right. I can’t let this happen to me.

These feelings. I need an explanation for it. It’s got to be an illusion.

I stayed in the wine bar and drank some alcohol. I just needed to clear my head. For the first time in my life, I felt confused.

My phone suddenly beeped with a message and I checked to see it was from one of my staff. I was needed at the office.



I Was so hungry and decided to eat before bathing. I rushed my meal and when I was done, I went ahead to take my bath.

I spent a long time in the bathtub, thinking about the whole thing. I wish I could remember what happened after I was stabbed with the dagger. How did Chaeyoung l and I escape?.

Gosh! I felt so troubled. What if Taehyung returns?.

Who’s he to Chaeyoung?.

Does It mean he knows about his past?.

After spending a long time in the bathroom, I finally came out, tying a towel round my body.

I went into the room and took out something simple from the wardrobe, putting It on. It was just a short and pink top.

I was about sitting on the bed when the door to my room suddenly opened and surprisingly, it was Somi. Well, not really surprisingly.

I stood and watched as she walked in, giving me a loathful look.

"Good morning", I bent my head and said and she scoffed.

"You can save your greeting. Come with me, Chaeyoung wants to see you", She said and turned around, about to head for the door.

"Chaeyoung?", I asked and she turned back to look at me.

"Do I really have to repeat myself? He wants me to bring you to his office. Now come with me before I change my mind", She replied rashly.

But why would Chaeyoung want me to come over to his office? He just left home not long ago. I watched as she got to the door and stopped by it.

"Do you really wanna disobey Chaeyoung? Haven’t you learn anything from him? You should know better not to disobey him and do you also want to get me into trouble? Now, come with me before you complicated things", She said and walked out the door and this time around.

But why would Chaeyoung want me to meet him at the office? What could he possibly want to tell me?.

Oh, please I hope there isn’t any more trouble.

I followed Somi behind and she took me to the parking lot and got into a red car which I also entered with her, sitting at the front seat.

She didn’t say a word as she turned on the ignition and took off immediately. I was really nervous. What was Chaeyoung up to? I really hoped there was no problem.

"You love him, don’t you?", Somi suddenly asked and I turned to look at her surprised.

"Huh?", Was she referring to Chaeyoung?.

"Stop playing dumb with me, Mina, you love him, don’t you? And you actually feel lucky to be close to him".

I bent my head In silence. Why was she bringing up such issue?.

"Well, I wouldn’t entirely blame you, I mean he’s handsome, wealthy, charming, just everything a lady would ask for but not every lady deserves him", She said and suddenly, stopped the car.


I looked through the window but there was no sign of an office anywhere. Rather it looked more like an one way.

"Why did you stop?", I asked her but she didn’t even look at me.

Immediately, I heard my door being opened from outside and I looked through the window and discovered it was.

No Taehyung!.

"Argh!", I screamed as he opened the door and pulled me out of the car, slamming my back against the car.

Oh, my! What’s going on?.


"Hello pretty Mina", He said with a smirk as he pinned me to the car.

Please tell me this is a dream. This cannot happen. I looked at him.

"Let me go", I winced but couldn’t even move my arm. He smiled.

"Really? I should let you go? Well, I’m sorry Mina but I need to prove something to Jennie", He paused and brought his lips close to my ear, giving it a little bite.

"Let’s see how much Chaeyoung really loves you", He whispered into my ear and before I could scream, he brought out a napkin from his pocket and covered it over my nose and I passed out immediately.


A/N: Sorry if there were typos and grammatical errors.

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