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I turned to see who was calling me and surprisingly it was.


"Mina!", She called again, sounding surprised and we ran into each other’s arms.

I couldn”t believe it. The same lady that had been kind to me the first day I ran away from mom.

I never expected to see her here. I forgot she had told me she study here.

"Look at you Mina, I mean....", She paused and staring at me from head to toe.

"First of all, what happened? I couldn’t find you when we were done offloading the~".

"I’m sorry, I had to leave", I cut in immediately, not wanting to talk about it.

"Okay, but what happened? What are you doing here? I mean you told me you didn’t study here", She asked.

"When I returned home, I convinced mom about it and she had me enrolled", I lied, feeling guilty.

I couldn’t possibly tell her about Chaeyoung.

"Oh! Your mom, Is she still giving you a hard time? How’s she?", She asked and I sighed.

"She’s fine", I bent my head down and replied, starting to feel the angry again.

"Alright then, so this is your first day right?", She asked.

"Yes, I’m...can you direct me to the principal’s office please?".

"Sure, Of course, come with me", She said with a smile and I nodded and walked along with her.

She start bringing up little stories, mostly about the school as she led me to the principal’s office and finally we got there.

Luckily she agreed to wait outside while I went into the face the principal.

"Good morning sir", I said in as I stood in front of him.

He seemed busy as he work some files on the table.

"Yeah, good morning", He replied simply  without looking at me. I cleared my throat slightly.

"Hmmm, I’m Mina".

"Myoui Mina?", He suddenly said giving me a quick look and nodded.

"Forgive my manners. Sir Chaeyoung told me about you already", He paused and brought out a pretty bag.

"Everything you need is already in it, books, your writing materials, just go through it and if there’s any other thing you need, please feel free to let me know and don’t get me into trouble with Chaeyoung", He said and I nodded.

Is that how scared people are of him?.

"Thank you sir", I said as I took the bag from the table.

"You’re welcome, You’re in college department. You can ask that lady over there to lead you to it", He said, referring to Momo.

I smiled and left the office.

"Hey, how did it go?", Momo asked as soon as I stepped out.

"It was fine, He said I should ask you for directions to college Department", I replied.

"College Department? Oh! Mina, we share the same department", She said excitedly.


"Come on, you’ll love it".

She was so happy as she took me to my new classroom where I met lots of pretty and handsome looking students.

"Good thing there’s a vacant seat next to mine", She said as she showed me to a place I could sit. It was next to hers.

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