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I sprang on my feet immediately. What's he's doing here?.

The students in the hall were still acting like they wanted to faint. Chaeyoung finally walked in, his both hands crossed behind his back, taking slow and steady steps.

He looked extremely handsome as he walked towards my table, fixing his eyes on me the whole time.

Goodness please. I haven't done anything wrong. I hope he's not here to hurt me. I looked back at the food desk where Taehyung had gone to but surprisingly, he wasn't there anymore. Huh?.

Where was he? I couldn't see him anymore. I turned back to look at Chaeyoung and noticed he was already standing in front of me. I stuttered in fear and lowered my gaze to the floor.


"Sit", He cut me off and I gulped nervously and took my seat. He also took a seat in front of me, replacing Taehyung.

"Gosh, Chaeyoung's sitting next to her!".

"Are you kidding me?".

"Who's she?".

My head was almost spinning from all the comments and I wondered if Chaeyoung could hear them as well. Of course he could.

Then he looked at his guards by the door and clicked his finger and immediately, one of the guard came up to the middle of the canteen and passed an announcement.

"All students should evacuate the hall immediately", He said strictly and all the students gasped.

Wait what? Oh, my! Why's he sending everyone out? What does he have in mind?.

I was confused and watched as the students started to go from the cafeteria.

"Why does he have to send us out?. I've been praying for this day when he'd show up in school".

They all kept mumbling but had no other choice but to leave and soon the cafeteria was empty, leaving just Chaeyoung and I with two guards by the door.

I felt my heart pounding fast. Why does he want us to be alone?.

There's no way he can have sex with me in school, right? It's just not possible.

"It's my school and I can do whatever I want to", He said with angry in his voice and I flinched.

How did he hear me?. Is he really a mind reader?. He breathed out heavily and fetched a spoon of Taehyung french fries but didn't eat it.

"Who was here with you?", He asked staring at the full spoon.

"It was my friend, He was here a while ago but...I mean, he probably left when you asked".

"He?", He scoffed and asked.

"You've been keeping male friends?", I stared at him, confused. He doesn't want me to keep friends?.

"Male friends", He said, reading my mind again. He touched his forehead and looked back at me, leaning closer.

"Do you realize I'm doing you a favor by letting you stay alive? You should be dead by now but luckily, I'm sparing you. And for that, you're to live by my will. Don't push me Mina".

Is he really angry because I have a male friend?. He sighed and leaned back on his chair.

"Get on your feet", He said and my heart gave a mighty leap. No, please.

I forcefully stood up,  fiddling with the tip of my shirt.

"Come close", He added and I felt my feet shaking. Is he really going to do this here?.

I walked slowly and nervously to where he was and stood in front of him and he pulled me to sit on his legs.

"Ever heard of blowjob?", He whispered into my ears and I stared blankly at him. What's he talking about?.

"I...I don't know".

"You really know nothing, do you?", He asked. But I don't know what he's talking about.

Never heard of blowjob. Immediately, one of his guards came up and whispered something into his ear.

"Your lucky day. Got something important to do", He said as he pulled me away from his legs and stood up as well.

He left me and started walking away with his guards.

"And stay away from that friend of yours", He stopped and said emphatically and finally walked out.
The next day. I stepped down from the car and adjusted my school bag before proceeding for my classroom.

As I walked along, I noticed all the students around keep stealing glances at me and it was obvious they were talking about me. Yes she's the one.

Chaeyoung had lunch with her yesterday. He sent everyone out of the cafe just because of her. She's so pretty
different voices kept visiting my ears and I all I could do was try to ignore them.

I successfully walked pass them and was about entering into the classroom when I suddenly heard someone call my name.

I swiftly turned and of course! It was Taehyung.

"Hi", He called with a smile as he stood in front of me. What the heck?. He's got a lot of explaining to do.

"What's up Mina?".

"You, what the hell happened? I mean, you just vanished yesterday. You told me you were going to get the hamburgers but I didn't even see your shadow throughout the day", I rushed my words, being curious.

"I know, Mina, I'm sorry", He said and sighed like he was being bothered.

"Listen, when I went to get the burgers, I had received an urgent call that needed me to leave. I wanted to tell you about it but that Chaeyoung of a guy showed up and ordered everyone out. So I couldn't", He expounded.

I looked at him and didn't feel entirely satisfied. It just didn't seem right. And my mom, how did he know about her?.

"Are you doubting me?", He asked and I lowered my gaze to the floor.

"Sorry Taehyung but yes. I don't know but...".

"Mina", He sighed.

"Okay fine, I'll tell you the truth", My eyes immediately to look at him.

The truth?.

"Yesterday, I left because I was running away from Chaeyoung", He finally spilled the beans and my eyes widened. Goodness!. I sensed it.

"What?", Was all I could say.

"I'm scared of him, the same way you're scared of him", He further said.

"He's a beast, Mina. He's hurt me dearly, just the same way he's hurting you. I'm aware he has your mother locked up. And he's turned you into his sex slave, fucking you mercilessly day and night, not giving a damn about your feelings".

"The only reason you're still alive is because he's yet to access your power and once he does, he'll kill you immediately", He paused and held my hands. My eyes were almost bulging out.


"Listen to me, Mina, you and I still have a chance to stop Chaeyoung. We still have a chance to bring his wicked reign to an end and save further people from his terror".

"You can stop him and be free from him, we'll all be free, me, you, your mother we'll all have a peaceful life. All you have to do is do as I say. And luckily, I've found a solution", He paused again and dipped his hand into his pants pocket, bringing out a little bottle.

I was just dumbfounded.

"This is our solution, Mina", He said eagerly.

"This is our way out. All you have to do is take this portion right before he comes to have sex with you and that'll be the end of him", I gasped.



A/N: Sorry if there were typos and grammatical errors.

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