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She finally left the door and walked in and another lady followed her behind, holding something that looked like clothes.

"Didn’t you learn manners from your mom?, You should know how to greet", She said with a stare as she stood in front of me.

What?. What exactly is her problem?.

"Good morning", I looked down at my food.

The lady that followed her into the room put the clothes on the bed and left.

"Hurry up with your meal. Take your bath and put these on, you’ll be going to school today", The rude lady said and I furrowed my brows at her.

Ehhh What did she just say?.

"Don’t even think of asking me any dumb questions. It’s Chaeyoung's idea so when you see him, feel free to ask", She said with an eye roll.

"Now hurry up and get your ass ready cuz you wouldn’t wanna get Chaeyoung angry", She added and started towards the door but suddenly stopped and turned back to me.

"If I were you, I’d just run away", She added and left.

I stared at the blank door for a while and didn’t know what to think.

I took my eyes to the clothes on the bed and couldn’t comprehend what was going on.

Am I really going to school? But how? I mean why?.

I needed answers to my questions but decided to do as I was instructed.

I finished up my meal and went into the bathroom which was there in the room.

I had great difficulty walking and had to trudge along as a result of the pain I felt in between my legs.

I spent a long time in the bathroom because I needed enough warm water to touch my womanhood as I laid in the bathtub.

After a long while, I came out, dried my body and wore the uniform I was asked to wear. I was surprised to find a panty and bra beneath it and I wore them on as well.

I wore the black stocking and sneakers and went to stand in front of the mirror, staring at my image.

I let out a sad sigh. Where could mother be? What has Chaeyoung done to her?.

Chaeyoung told me if I followed his instructions, it would guarantee her safety. That means she was still alive.

But where was she?.

Mom, I’m so sorry for putting you in trouble. If only you had explained things to me, I would have stayed hidden with you.

But why did I have to be the daughter of such an evil man? According to mom’s story, she had no idea he was that evil before she got married to him. If only she knew.

Suddenly the door opened and I looked through the mirror to see Chaeyoung coming in.

I couldn’t even turn to look at him but just keep staring through the mirror. He was putting on a black pants and black tee that had the top buttons opened, exposing his chest.

His dark hair flopped across his left eye, giving him the perfect killing look. How could someone be this handsome be so heartless?.

The prince of hell. He walked to where I was and stood behind me in front of the mirror.

I shivered as I felt his presence and wished he would just vanish.

He held me from behind and rested his head on my shoulder.

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