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I sat in front of Jihyo as she opened her books and got ready to lecture me for the day.

"Let's go on English", She said and went ahead to write on the white board.

I watched clearly as she wrote down a little note which I copied into my book and after that she did some explaining.

When she was done with she went into mathematics then Science.

"Were you able to go through the book I assigned you to read?", She asked as she sat in front of me.

"Yes", I replied, bringing the book out from my bag.

"So, how was it?".

"Well, it was nice. Just didn't like the way it ended. I mean the part of the boy dying. It's tragic", I replied.

"Well, that's called true love. He risked his life for the girl", She said.

"But does such thing really exist? True love? Like something that would make a boy die for a girl?", I asked and she chuckled.

"It's not just a boy Mina, It can also be a girl and yes, it exists", She replied with a smile.

"But what does it feel like? I mean love. What does it feel like that it would have to involve such like sacrifices?", She smiled and stared at the ceiling.

"Love is a beautiful thing, a priceless experience. The two hearts becomes intertwined and beat together as one", She said.

"Really?", I asked becoming more interested.

"So tell me Jihyo, how do people fall in love? Like how does it happen? How can someone know she's in love?".

"Well, you'll feel it. If you're in love with someone, your reaction towards that person changes. You always want to spend time with him and no matter what he does you find it difficult staying mad at him".

"He occupies your every thoughts and you become willing to take sacrifices just for him".

"Those are part of the signs of love", I kept silent and reminisced over it, smiling. I wonder what it feels like falling in love and being loved in return.

"So have you also been in love?", I looked at her and asked smiling.

"Of course but...", She paused and stared downwards with a sigh.

"Not important anyway, so...", She was still talking when a call suddenly entered her phone and she picked it up.






"What? No!".


"Okay, I'll be there immediately".

With that said Jihyo ended the call.

"Mina just got an urgent call from home. I need to hurry there immediately", She said as she stood up with her bag.

What?. Jihyo never leaves until mom returns home from work. This is going to be my first time being home alone.

"Just stay safe and wait for your mom, okay? I'll call her now and tell her about the urgency so she can hurry up from work okay?", She said.

"Okay Jihyo, bye", I replied and she ran out the door.

I stood up and looked through the window as she ran away through the woods.

The door was opened and mom wasn't at home, no one at all. I shook my head and returned to my seat. The crazy idea kept came at me.

Mom has told me it's best to stay here. She doesn't want me to go out. So, maybe I should just obey her but I've been obeying her for 20 years now. I'm now a lady. For how long will I continue hiding in here?.

I took in a deep breath and stood up again.

I want to explore the world, know what it looks like and meet new people. I want to feel human. I'm tired of being locked in here like a slave. I think it's right time I took a stand.

I stand to the door and turned the knob. It opened.

I suddenly felt nervous. No. I shouldn't be. I need to do this, perhaps just a little viewing and I'll return.

Yes, I will.

Taking another deep breath, I opened the door and ran out.



I walked into Chaeyoung's room and found him sleeping on the bed.

I went close and admired him. Geez! He was just too handsome. I don't mind getting my p*ssy fucked by him the whole day.

I smiled and went over to the table to drop the file I came to return. I was about leaving the room when he suddenly woke up in a frightening way.

I almost screamed. He just sat up at once with a full force like someone who was awaking from a mighty nightmare.

He was breathing heavily at first but it subsided and became normal.

"She's out", He said calmly, staring in one direction.


"I can feel her".

"Si-Sir?", I stuttered, confused.

Who's he talking about?. He paused and looked at his palm.

"Myoui's daughter", He said.

"I can feel her. She's close".


A/N: Sorry if there were typos and grammatical errors.

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