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I woke up the next morning, feeling more relaxed for the first time since I got here, I slept so soundly.

I sat up and thought about Chaeyoung. Remembering he didn’t touch me last night still amazed me and I couldn’t get it off my mind.

How I badly wish he would continue acting that way. I just wish he wouldn’t touch me again but who am I kidding?.

I took in a deep breath and went into the bathroom. I had to get ready for school.

I brushed my teeth and took my bath and when I came out of the bathroom, breakfast was already on the bed and
(Y/N) was there as well.

"Hey", She called as she dusted some of the items in the room.

"Good morning", I replied and sat on the bed.

"You look...", She paused and smiled. Look what? I thought.

"Anyway, forget it, so how was your night?", She asked.

"Okay, I guess", I started eating immediately, feeling really hungry.

(Y/N) kept talking and entertaining me until I ate the whole meal.

Then she gave me some privacy to dress up and I wore my uniform and got ready to leave.

I paused and thought, Chaeyoung didn’t come to see me like he did the previous day. I hope he continues this way.

I got out of the room, walked pass the sitting room and when I got outside, the car was already waiting for me. I got in and the driver took off immediately.

I walked quietly into the noisy classroom and went straight for my seat. I wonder if I’d ever get to make any friends aside Momo.

I got to my seat and surprisingly, I couldn’t find Momo there. I mean someone else was on her seat.

I paused and think over it. It was a guy, a young and If I might say, handsome guy.

He was writing down something in his notebook and didn’t pay attention to me until I took my seat next to him. But where is Momo?.

"Hi", He looked at me and said with a charming smile.

"Hello", I replied. He nodded and went back to writing in his notebook.

"Sorry to ask", I called his attention after a short pause and he looked at me.

"What happened to the lady on this seat?".

"I have no idea about that. I’m actually a new student and when I got here the seat was empty. So, I took it", He replied and I sighed and nodded.

Where could Momo be? She didn’t tell me she’d be skipping classes today.

Not long after, the science teacher came in and the class became calm and settled.

I bought out my notebook from my bag and tried bringing out my pen as well but couldn’t find it.

Don’t tell me I left it at home. What do I do now?.

The science teacher continue writing on the board.

"Here", The guy beside me said and I turned to see him
handling a pen to me.

"You can use this", He said.

I stared at him in shock. How did he know I was looking for a pen?.

"Thanks", I replied and took the pen from him, looking down at my book.


I shook it off and concentrated on the lesson and thought out the first three periods, Momo didn’t show up. Today’s gonna be so boring for me.

The bell went off for lunch and the students started walking out. I also stood on my feet, not knowing exactly where to go.

The guy beside me stood up as well.

"Mina can~".

"How did you know my name?", I cut him off, surprised.

He twitched and itched his nape.

"It's written on your ID", He replied and I looked at my ID and back at him.

"Okay", I said with a nod, tucking my hair behind my ear.

"So as I was saying, you know, I’m a new student here. This is just my first day here and I was wondering if you could do me a favor by showing me round the school", He said with an appealing look.

He was handsome but Chaeyoung still beat him to it.

"Oh! I’m sorry, but I’m also a new student, just started yesterday so I’m not familiar with the school either", I replied.

"Perfect", He chuckled.

"We can work it out ourselves. Come on let’s have a a look around together", Ehh I don’t even know him.

"Come on, it’s gonna be fun", He said and I adjusted my bag.

"What’s your name?", I asked and he smiled uncannily.

"Well, you can just call me 


A/N: Sorry if there were typos and grammatical errors.

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