I have loved you since forever...

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(Class 4)

The First period had not yet started and the children were already out of their respective benches. Seeing the situation, If anyone called it a zoo, it was not their mistake, because the class really was no less than a zoo. Some boys on the back bench side had started playing hand cricket, challenging each other.  The girls were no less too!  they had formed their respective groups showing off their new pencil boxes with beautiful stickers and new water bottles.

Few of them were pushing each other, running about the whole class, but, as soon as the teacher stepped in the class, everybody hurried to their respective seats, and almost all of a sudden, there was so much silence all around, that it was hard to believe that noise ever existed in this world.

Everybody was scared that Mrs Patil, their class teacher would scold them for not staying in their seats, that most of the children failed to notice, when a small boy, had quietly followed in along with her.

"Good morning students! Today we have a new friend among us, his name is Veer Kohli, everybody please say, 'Welcome Veer'"

The boy shyly stepped forward as everybody shouted in a singsong manner following Mrs Patil.

"Veer beta, go sit beside Palak, you can see the third bench empty right?"

Veer nodded slowly and while keeping his head down, went towards the empty seat and sat down quickly, refusing to meet the eyes of his partner.

As the class started, he found his pencil to be broken, with no sharpener in his pencil box.

Suddenly he felt a tug at his shirt and looked beside him to see the girl, his partner, whose name he heard was Palak, holding a red sharpener and smiling at him.

"Hii! I am Palak Basu, you can keep this one, I already have a Doraemon one."

That was the first time, though he didn't realize, he was smiling back at someone, maybe making a friend.

(Class 8)

Veer was sitting at the window side, quietly, trying to divert his attention from what Palak, Smitha and few other girls were talking about.

It was already 4 years since he had shifted to Kolkata, his father was working in the same office as Palak's...so often their families met and had a get together. Palak was his first friend, his first friend who had helped him to come out of his shell.  Though now he had a few friends, but Palak was still different.

She was the complete opposite of him, always chitchatting, outgoing and always the center of attention. On the other hand, he was still the quiet kid. 

But, whenever they were together, he would feel livelier.

From the past few months, there had been some weird feelings he had been feeling around Palak. Whenever she smiled, he seemed to smile without knowing, always wanting to talk to her, which he couldn't quite understand. Everything had been normal since class 4, so what had changed now?

Suddenly,  All the thoughts seemed to vanish when his attention shifted to Raj, who came towards the girls and whispered something in Palak's ears which made him feel uncomfortable, angry.

That was maybe the first time he realized he had a crush on Palak, a new feeling he didn't know about.

(Class 10)

It was the last day of the semester, The overall mood was gloomy. Everybody was wondering where they would land next, because after tenth, everybody chose different schools for eleventh and twelfth, maybe study in a different state all together. The boys were sitting on one side of the class and the girls on the other side. Everybody was hugging each other...a last goodbye.  Some girls on the side were crying, promising their best friends to always remain in touch . Veer was talking to Dev but his entire mind was on how he will confess his feelings to Palak. His father was again shifted to Jharkhand, so for his rest two years of school, he would attend there. He did not like that at all, he wanted to stay in Kolkata, but it was not possible.

The bell rang and everybody hurried out of class. Palak was talking to Smitha when Veer came to them. After Smitha left, Veer felt as if all the air was dragged out of his lungs.


"Oh, Veer, I was about to come to you... I heard that you were moving again, Uncle's job is pretty erratic"

"I want to stay here in Kolkata, but..."

"I know Veer, That is not possible.... But, I hope we can stay in touch..."    

Suddenly, Palak came forward and hugged him. Veer felt his heart  doing summersaults.

"I will miss you Veer..."  she whispered, and Veer had never more wanted the time to stop.

after some time, she pulled back, and maybe she had noticed the confused, conflicted look on his face because she asked, "You want to say something Veer?"

"I – I" 

 Veer tried.

"Yes Veer?"

"I- hope that we will stay in touch too,"

But he failed.

"Yeah, of course"

They moved outside the school building during the conversation and Veer saw Palak's bus coming in view. He called her again, trying his best this time, when she was about to go towards her bus.

"Palak wait—"

She turned around with a soft smile and questioning eyes, "Yes Veer?"

"I—just--- I just----its nothing, I just wanted to wish you best for your future"

He failed again.

"Thanks Veer, I wish you the same" she said, her smile widening before

she ran and got up on her bus and waved him goodbye.

Veer that day felt stupid and angry on himself, because he knew that he lost the perfect chance.

He also knew that no matter how much they tried to stay in contact, their own lives, their own paths will somehow end up in different directions. 

"I  will miss you too, Palak"


I hope you all liked the prologue❤



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