Let's build the future that we dreamt about

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(2 years later)

Palak thrummed her fingers anxiously on her jeans. It was almost thirty minutes since she had checked that Veer's flight had landed. She knew that after an international flight, there were many kinds of check ups and stuffs that were done and it took time... But, she was getting more and more impatient by each passing minute. She couldn't help herself...It was finally after two years that she would be finally seeing him physically...no longer video calls, no longer texts.... 

he would finally be here with her...

She had thought about telling their parents after he came back. She knew that Veer would readily agree to it. Things were suddenly looking up...Everything suddenly seemed alright.

A lot of things had changed for her in the last two years. She was now no longer working in the landmark group. After the horrible treatment and working atmosphere, she had decided that she would apply for other companies. She had to talk to her Baba about it first. He had been really shocked and had initially almost rejected her decision, but after she had told him about how horrible the treatment there was...He had agreed to it without even thinking twice. She remembered what he had told her...

"Palak...its your work, If you are not feeling comfortable here, I would definitely not force you to stay there...Its your choice, your decision..."

She did choose. While continuing to work for a few more days there, she had prepared herself for different job interviews in the rival companies. Finally the day she gave out her resignation letter, she had felt no regret, she was in fact happy to leave that sick atmosphere. She then had given four different interviews in four different companies. That particular week of the announcements, whether she was hired or not...She remembered how she checked her laptop after every two seconds and even calls or texts from Veer had not been enough to calm her down. Finally it had turned out that She had been accepted by two and rejected by two. At least....she had not been rejected by all. That was like a blessing enough for her. She had chosen the one, she thought had provided better work infrastructure and turned out she had made a good choice. She was happy in her new job. She was payed really well too, far more than what she had expected. She had so many new friends here, they were really helpful. 

In short...it was like the dream job that she had always wanted. 

Veer made his way to the final checking point. He was getting restless. Only few more minutes...he tried to calm himself down, but nothing was helping. He felt he could only calm himself down, the moment he had Palak in his arms. 

After getting his MD degree, now he was a cardiologist. He wanted so much on his graduation day, to be back home with Palak. But, his flight was scheduled for the next week, so he had to suppress his wishes for a while. But, now that he was here, back home...he couldn't wait anymore. Finally, there would be no more video calls or chats....no more staying away, they would be here together. 

He had thought of proposing to Palak. Now that he was back, he was ready to do it. He had spent many evenings thinking about how to do it. He wanted the moment to be just perfect. It hadn't taken him long to realize how he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. He couldn't imagine growing old with anyone else...he didn't want to. It was her...just her. 

She was the one for him....

Finally....after what felt like an eternity for Veer, the last procedure was over. He almost ran outside the terminal. As soon as he came outside, he started searching for her. Palak continuously searched for-

There he was! It was Veer!!!

As soon as he saw her....standing, waiting for him...Nothing else in the world mattered anymore. He almost ran to where she was standing. Palak couldn't wait any longer...as soon as she saw Veer coming towards her, she ran and hugged him tightly. He hugged her tightly too....so tightly as if promising her that he would not go anywhere. He would not leave her again....ever.

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