I hope you can catch me when I fall...

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"After you have finished packing your things...Veer can you come here for a second? I have something to talk to you about.." His professor called out to him after the end of the lab class.

Veer quickly placed his register inside his bag and sliding it along his shoulders, he went to the front of the room where his professor was standing. He realized that he had been so much busy in finishing and concentrating on his work that, well... he was the last person to leave the lab. 

"Veer beta, actually I should have told you this a bit earlier...but it went out of my mind. I have actually selected you, Krish and Mahira for a joint presentation that you all have to do. It is  actually something that is done every year by the last year batches...I think you might have heard of it"

"Yes sir...I know about it, selected students from different classes participate right?"

"Yes...yes!! From my class, you three are selected. Actually Mahira is absent today... I think I  would have to call her later....and Krish left out in a hurry, so I give the responsibility to you to inform him about this project. There will be a few people from other groups as well. I will inform you about them later...So, will you do this for me?"

"Yes sir of course...I will do it." Veer nodded and his professor smiled at him. 

"You are really a great boy....I know you will have a great future lying ahead of you.."

Veer didn't know what to say. He always got awkward when people complimented him. So, Giving him a slight bow and a small smile, he said, "Thank you sir...I will take my leave now..."

He slowly came out of the classroom, it was a cloudy day...and as usual, he had forgotten to bring his umbrella. Well...not exactly forgotten... because Palak had told him thousands times to take one with him, he had just ignored her warnings.

"I am telling you it will rain today!! Ok...don't listen to me!! But don't regret it later!!" 

She was right...well, now he was regretting it....

"Veer!" Krish's loud voice, broke away his chain of thoughts. He turned around to look at him, running towards him.

"You told me that you had a really important work to do and because of that you left the class in hurry...I thought you had already left for the day" Veer said surprised to see him there.

"Umm Yes, I actually had some work...but that's settled now, besides this work saved me from all the boring presentations and practical that sir was doing..."

And professor actually selected this guy as one of the representatives! 

"Well, then I have to tell sir that Krish actually finds everything boring and should select someone else for the presentation..."

Krish eyes went wide. "What presentation Veer?"

"Ahh, so now you are interested! Remember the presentation where only selected students from different batches participate? That one!"

"What! sir actually selected me for that! I thought it was just gonna be you and maybe Tanisha or Mahira..." then he slowly added, "I am not at all good like you...There has to be a mistake"

Veer really hated seeing Krish loose his self confidence like that. Though from the outside He looked all smiley and happy go lucky...nobody had ever understood or noticed that from the inside...he was really broken. He might sometimes hate him for the useless and senseless questions he asked but still whenever he was not there with him, Veer would feel somewhat empty. 

"Krish...I told you a lot many times not to be like this. Who told you that you are bad? Did sir ever tell you that? Stop making assumptions on your own. You don't see, because you are a born Idiot...but you are actually one of the best students...You got this chance because of your own hard work...Their is no mistake..."

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