I would always root for you...

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It had been exactly two weeks since they had started dating.

It was so hard to believe that the days had passed by so fast. Palak still felt that it was only yesterday that they had confessed to each other. Everything felt still so...new.  They were growing with each other...day by day learning all those things about each other that nobody other than them ever knew. There were those unspoken promises between them... The promises to always root for each other and watch each other grow...The promises to never give up on each other, no matter what life had in plan for them. 

The last week had been really tough for Veer. With the presentation coming up, He had to work day and night on it. He often had to leave a little early in the morning and come back a little late, but still...there was not a single moment that would make Palak say that she had felt alone. He was always there...the days he had to leave early, he made her breakfast before he left and the days he came back home late, he would always watch a movie with her or do anything to make her feel happy. The past few days, he had been working almost till dawn. Palak would stay up too...Sometimes assisting him in things as much as she could, making coffee for both of them and to give him company, she would pick up a book and read, sitting beside him, till late. 

One night, when she came back from the kitchen bringing coffee for both of them, she found that he had fallen asleep. He had been dead tired. She remembered how she had brought a blanket and covered him up to make him more comfortable. 

Palak nervously fidgeted with the long strap of her dress. It was finally the presentation day...the day Veer had been working so hard for. She was waiting for him outside the gates of BRAMC. He didn't know about that...it was to be a surprise. He had worked really hard for this...all she hoped was for it to be successful. She checked the time. As much as she had heard from Veer, the presentation should have been over by now.

Suddenly, from the distance, she saw Veer coming out. He was talking to a guy. Krish was nowhere to be seen beside him. Maybe...Krish was still inside. Veer hadn't noticed her yet. After a few minutes...she saw the guy leave and Veer turned around. As soon as he noticed her, a wide smile spread across his face. The smile gave Palak butterflies. He didn't waste a single second as he hurriedly crossed the road and ran to her. As soon as he reached her, he enveloped her in a tight hug. He hugged her so tightly that her feet was lifted off the ground. 

"I can't believe you are here!" Veer said excitedly as soon as he pulled back.

"How can I not be here on such a important day for you? By the way...how was the presentation?"

"The presentation went very well...In fact our professor was very impressed by our work...But, I have to say, the others were also very good" 

"Nah- I am sure yours one was the best!" 

"Well...everyone was impressed- I don't really know...Overall I am just happy it went well...Now I can spend much more time with you! No more pulling off all nighters as well!"

"Yes! Mr Kohli...now we can do everything you want"

"Everything I want? " Veer asked smirking and Palak knew exactly where this conversation was heading.

"Everything...except whatever you are thinking" Palak said and Veer made a face. They both started laughing and Veer bent down and kissed her forehead. Before Palak could could say something, they were interrupted by someone.

"So- you two huh?" 

They both turned around to find Riya standing there. 

"Hi Riya!" Palak said slowly, suddenly feeling a bit awkward. 

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