Destiny was playing a game afterall

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Sometimes you need to just  patiently wait and watch what destiny has got for you...

Veer let out a quiet chuckle on reading the 'so called' motivational quote his dad forced him to read every morning, that came along with the daily newspaper. For his dad, newspaper and tea in the morning were like 'a taste of heavens' as he called it. One day without them, It meant the end of the world for him.

 And who even believed in destiny nowadays? As a person, who was studying science for the last five years, he couldn't help but laugh at these type of things. Suddenly his phone rang, which led him to put the newspaper that Debu kaka had handed him, aside. All his attention shifted to the name on his phone. It was his senior supervisor, the head doctor for his team. Before picking up his call, Veer glanced at his work desk, on which papers lay everywhere.

 "Hello sir?...  ahh yes sir, Yes sir, I will submit the reports on the special medical cases I am working on when I return to Bangalore tomorrow and I will directly meet you in your cabin...Yes sir, okay sir, take care..." He hung up and sighed, all the tiredness hitting him like a storm from working all night on the reports. 

Life as a fifth year medical student was hard. On top of that, all the internship duties, even in just a week's holiday to home, he couldn't help but work on his reports, or answer emergency medical queries, all the way from Bangalore. After finishing his school years, he had decided to pursue medicine, and was currently studying in BRAMC medical college in Bangalore. Being a doctor was not something he considered a job, but he believed it was his passion. After his father's retirement, his parents had decided to shift to Bengal from Jharkhand, back to their old house, because his father believed his times spent in Kolkata were the happiest and he wanted to spend his old days in the city of joy.

Debu Kaka was not a helper for them, but a friend, a family. Veer couldn't even imagine his family without him. When they shifted to Jharkhand after his class ten, his dad had given Debu kaka the responsibility to take care of this house all these years. He looked around his room, everything seemed too familiar. There was one thing he would fully agree with his father, For him too, Kolkata held his best memories....  memories of his childhood school years, his friends, memories of Palak...


It had been eight years since he last saw her.  After he shifted to Jharkhand, In the first year they tried to stay in touch, but as time passed, one call a week became one call a month and finally one call a year before they lost contact... each busy in their lives. He had tried to find her many times after that in Instagram and Facebook, but his luck was empty in that case. 

First crushes and first loves are all memorable for us right? That one look from them and your day lighting up, giving excuses to stay close to them, that nervousness when they talk to you...Is something to be worth remembered. For Veer too, at that time his crush on Palak might have been serious, but now, he considered it nothing more than a childhood crush, something memorable for your whole life. After Palak, Veer really never felt that way for anybody else like that...Well, if he had time of course...Most of the time everyone would find him studying quietly in the corner or either doing his research. Well, he had troubles mixing with new he preferred to be alone.

It was already eight in the morning, while working he didn't even notice. He got up and came out of his room to be greeted by his mother, keeping a cup of coffee on the table and then hurrying  back to the kitchen to bring back plates for serving breakfast.

 A mother is always a mother, he thought and let out a quiet chuckle. 

After freshening up, he joined his parents on the breakfast table. He would be leaving tomorrow, so, even if he would not admit.. he would be missing his chaotic family dinner, his dad giving his views on the immense political situations, asking him about his opinions too and frequently teasing his mom... And his mom would be always carefully watching if he was eating well and properly or not. 

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