You...You are my universe

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"That I love you...I love you Palak"

Palak's eyes never left Veer's nor did his. 

She had waited  for this moment. Thought thousands and hundreds of scenarios in her head since the day she realized that he was everything she ever needed, ever wanted. Now that, when this was actually happening....suddenly she was all wordless...all her previous scenarios, all her practiced lines vanishing somewhere...

Veer got down from his swing and stood in front of her. Then... he slowly bent forward and pressed his forehead against hers. Palak's heart skipped a beat. This was the closest they had ever been. They were so close that she could feel his breath tingle on her nose. Palak needed to say...Palak needed to-

But...before Palak could say anything, He closed his eyes and said, "I know...I know its so sudden, I told you Palak... Its okay If you don't feel the same way. I- I would never ever force you to love me back- never ever..."

Palak needed to say....everything, right now....

"I- I feel the same way for you-" 

Veer couldn't believe what he heard. She felt the same? Was he hearing it right?

Veer opened his eyes and looked at her then...The look on his eyes, clouded so many feelings together...Happiness, anticipation, shock, excitement and most prominently love. Palak knew that even the most experienced painters couldn't express all those feelings together so beautifully, the way his eyes held them. 

"When the first time I met you....I had considered you as a mystery. I often used to wonder, why you didn't talk to anyone...and always liked to be alone. It was during that time I had considered this as my mission, to make you my make you just like everybody else. I- never thought that I would ever see you as something more than a close friend....After we parted, I also had thought that we would never meet again and you would just be in my memory as that shy little boy you were. But- after I met you that night eight years later, I saw you changed...changed so much from that boy I used to keep in my memory. When we started living together...At that time also I never thought a day like this would come. But, slowly slowly how and when I don't know, I started falling for you...I tri-tried to argue with myself that it was nothing...but then all of a sudden, I realized that Maybe....I had always loved you, Perhaps from the day I decided to make you my friend, I loved you. It just took me a lot of time to realize it. When I heard that you loved heart broke and I felt the fear of losing you...I then realized how much precious you have become to me....I just want- I just want you to know that- I love you Veer, I love you too"

Their eyes never left each other. Their heavy breaths clashing against each other. They felt suddenly of all those ifs and buts, all those opinions, all those yes and no's, it was only them now, together....Veer slowly moved a bit up and kissed Palak's forehead. Palak gasped slightly at the contact. He again rested his forehead against hers and this time they both were smiling at each other...their eyes full of love for the other.

During the walk back home, Veer slowly held her hands. They were walking quietly, but their hearts were speaking a thousand words to each other. Palak didn't let go of his hands, but held them more tightly, intertwining their fingers. As soon as Veer felt her intertwining their fingers, he looked at her with a small smile...she was smiling back at him, that promise in her eyes that made him think of the small dream of the future he had seen for them.

As soon as they reached their flat, Palak hurried towards her bedroom, eager to spend the night overthinking and reliving all the moments again, because she very well knew that she wasn't going to sleep tonight. Seeing her going towards her room Veer slowly chuckled and said, "Now that everything is said and done...Should I join you to your room? Like I know, you wouldn't mind that...we can have a long night"

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