Two five year olds in love...

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Veer had just reached the NIFT gate. Today it was a bit more crowded than the rest of the days. Still he managed to find the spot, which was his usual spot, luckily empty. It was a perfect place to park. The car would be easily visible to Palak, as soon as she reached the gates. 

Today, in the morning Veer had decided he would both drop and pick her up from college. As he was selected for the presentation, The only work he did in college was regarding it. The selected students had been given special privileges that allowed them to spend their entire time in the labs, skipping the normal lectures. The lecture notes were provided to them by the teachers themselves. Even though Veer hadn't liked this at first, because he would have preferred a lot more to be physically present in lectures than to only get the notes of it...but, they still had a lot of work left regarding the presentation and this also was proving helpful as he could pickup and drop Palak both. So...right now he didn't mind it.

Palak didn't know he was coming to pick her up. He chuckled lightly, imagining her surprised Pikachu face. 

His face wore a wide smile when he saw Palak walking towards the gate. But, his smile changed into a deep frown when he saw who was coming along with her, talking to her regarding something.

Dhruv...not that guy again!

Veer let out an exasperated sigh. All he wanted was not to see him sticking to Palak like that... But Veer controlled himself. He was her friend, and he didn't have the right to do anything to him if he was not bothering Palak in any way. So he waited....waited for Palak to notice the car and him standing...waiting for her in front of it.

It had been almost ten minutes he had been waiting, when Palak finally  noticed him. Veer was angry- no annoyed- but seeing her smile... the biggest, prettiest smile he had ever seen, as soon as she noticed him, it melted him. 

Shit...he couldn't even be angry at her for a long time!

Perhaps...noticing that Palak's gaze and attention had shifted to somewhere else, Dhruv also followed her line of gaze and noticed Veer. Veer could have swore that he saw his smile turn into a frown and his eyes narrowed at him. Immediately, as Veer could decipher, Palak started bidding him goodbye. But, before she could turn around and leave...Dhruv enveloped her into a small hug. 

It took Veer enormous...enormous amount of self control, to not destroy anything and everything in his sight and march up to them. Judging from her expression, even Palak seemed a bit surprised  and a bit uncomfortable  by the sudden hug. 

But Veer couldn't control himself for long. He quickly marched up to where they were standing. He had waited all this while because he was Palak's friend, but after he made Palak uncomfortable...Veer couldn't just stand there and watch.

"Come on Palak, let's go" He said to Palak, but directed his entire attention at Dhruv. He wished his eyes threw out daggers, so that one could- no he was not going to have murdering thoughts. Dhruv gave out a forced smile and said, "Nice to see you again Veer- I suppose..."

" too and sorry actually I forgot your name...I usually tend to forget the unimportant things..." He said smirking a bit and then held Palak by her waist, pulling her closer to him. He hoped that was enough for him to back off. Dhruv's eyes landed on where he was holding her by her waist. He seemed to get the hint because he said, "No problem...I usually forget them too, I remembered cause Palak mentioned it just now. Very well then...Palak let's meet later" he said, nodding at Palak and giving his best smile. Veer tried so hard to not roll his eyes. 

"Ahh yes Dhruv, okay meet you later.." Palak said and Dhruv walked away, but not before glaring at Veer as he left. Veer thought that Palak hadn't noticed the silent fight that was going on within both of them.

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