Long distances are hard...but we will make it through

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Palak slowly rubbed her eyes as she took in the familiar surroundings. The entire room was dark, except for the few streaks of sunlight trying to sneak in through the slightly parted curtains. Her eyes felt sore as she rubbed them. One by one, the events from the last night came back to her. Veer was not here anymore....he was in UK now...

A part of her foolishly hoped that it was all a dream and Veer just in the next room.  Her foolish heart guided her as she hurriedly got up to check the next room. But...she saw that hope shatter in front of her and disappointment seep in as she opened his room to find it empty.  

He was really gone....

She silently went to the bathroom and took a look at herself in the mirror. She was not really surprised to find her eyes swollen. She had cried a lot last night. That is why her eyes were sore when she had rubbed them just after waking up. She didn't exactly remember when she had reached home the earlier night. She only had vague memories of crying silently all the way from the airport and back again in her room. It even had hurt worse than a breakup. It was last night that she had realized how much she was used to living with him. 

She came out of the bathroom and scanned the usual living room and kitchen. Everything was just the same...it was just like everyday, but, somehow something felt missing...It felt too empty.

She then remembered what Veer had told her to do as soon as she woke up the next morning. She hurried towards her room and searched for her phone within the covers. Finally finding it she saw that it was turned off due to zero battery.

Stupid... you are so stupid Palak!  she thought angrily.

She placed her phone in the charger and switched it on. She then hurried to the living room again to check the time in the wall clock. She had woken up really late. On her calculations, Veer had landed. 

 On going back to her room she found her phone starting. As soon as it was switched on....loads of message notifications came one by one. Aside from the useless notifications...She found that there were almost more than twenty messages from Veer. The hollow in her chest eased a bit when she read those messages. He had kept his promise....But, on the other hand, she was so careless and stupid. She was replying to his messages late, when she should have replied back immediately. 

He had texted her that he had landed safely. He also had sent her some pics of his surroundings. Palak smiled as she texted him back, missing him even more. Even if it was hard...She could do it. She also found some messages from Aditi asking her if she was alive and was really worried because she had not picked up her calls.

Yeah... She had a really caring friend, she knew that.


Veer noticed his phone buzzing as he was arranging the shelves in his new dorm. It was what he was going to call home for the next two years...even if it did not feel like home at all.

He placed his shirt in a corner as he picked up the phone. His face immediately wore a big smile as he saw the messages from Palak. Turned out that she had slept till late. Veer knew that was gonna happen. He had been worried the whole flight that she would cry all night. She had sent him a selfie and Veer was confirmed of his suspicions when he noticed that her eyes looked swollen. He immediately felt a jolt of sadness passing through him. She had cried all night...because of him.

He sighed, missing her and wanting to see her in person. 

He knew that it was not possible...but the heart wants what it wants.


It was two weeks since Veer had left. Palak had somehow tried to adjust herself in the new alone life without him. Though there was not a moment she didn't miss him...it was just that she was trying to learn how to focus on other things more and trying to sideline that hollow in her chest. She was trying to sidetrack the sadness and the pain. They had a regular videocall time, carefully arranged after a lot of calculations and adjusting time schedules and frequent chats throughout the day. They also started a new thing together...it was playing games online. Palak never really liked playing online games. It was because she knew that her skills were laughable. But now playing sometimes with him, learning things from him...has made her perhaps a better player. Yes...but not before they had lost the easiest games, because of her stupid mistakes.

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