Epilogue (You are the one for me...)

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(Eight years later)

"Sometimes the beach is not just a place...but a feeling"

Palak couldn't help but smile when she read the sentence written on the pamphlet, handed to almost everybody at the parking area. Palak wouldn't deny the truth though... the beach was truly a feeling. Nothing mattered the moment one felt the soft sand beneath their feet. The scenery around her was breathtaking. 

The turquoise blue sea, with the frothy, blue-green salt water crashed into the setting sun reflecting the shoreline in waves. Then it gently rolled up to the increasingly rising tide line. The wave stopped as it reached the tide line and slowly rolled back into the churning ocean water. This relaxing rhythm of continuous lapping waves was a music to her ears.

She had never seen a sunset as breathtaking as this. The Sun was peeking through the heavy, white clouds illuminating the sky in a dazzling orange glow, causing the fluffy, white sand to appear orange in color as well. A light breeze was caressing her as she walked through what seemed a never ending coast. 

 A lot had changed for both Palak and Veer in the last few years. 

They got married, five months after Veer had proposed her. It was the happiest day of her life. It was a start of something new...start of something permanent. Perhaps, a promise between them, to put up with each other's annoying habits forever. She still felt her heart race, as she revisited that memory, that moment when she had become Mrs. Palak Kohli from Ms. Palak Basu. Aditi and Krish too got married a year later. She was glad to see that they had got their happily ever after as well. Honestly...they look so cute together!

 Palak still felt her cheeks heated every time she looked back to their first night together. They had gone to Maldives for their honeymoon. She looked towards the sea at that memory...the water in Maldives had been bluer, cleaner and almost crystal clear, compared to this. They both had the best time of their life there. Late night walk at beaches, candle night dinner, where Veer had sang his heart out and all those nerve wracking water sports. She laughed when she remembered how scared she was to try scuba diving, Veer had almost dragged her out  like a child on the first day of his or her school, who was dragged towards the school bus!

It seemed like, it was all yesterday! It was all yesterday when they got married and then had gone Maldives for honeymoon! Time truly moves slowly...but passes away so quickly!

Veer was now a head cardiologist at one of the best multispecialty hospital of Bangalore and for her well... after working three years at her new company, she had decided that she wanted to do something more than just sitting and working under someone. So, in order to calm her nomadic heart, she had resigned from there as well. Yes...it may seem a foolish decision, as it seemed to her dad and even Veer at first, but Veer had been her wholehearted supporter when she had revealed the reason behind this sudden decision. She wanted to start her own business. Yes...it was a really big step and with full of risks, but... don't people learn when they take risks and make mistakes? With that determination to start something of her own... She had started her own fashion house.

It was a lot to do at first. She had to invest, she had to plan...but that didn't stop her from dreaming big. She was really lucky to have Veer with her at every step, helping her from the start...till the end, even after having such a busy schedule of his own. She wouldn't lie by saying that it was well flourished from the first day itself...but had a slow start. But, slowly slowly everything changed and now, after five years...she had gained a lot of stability and was now, the CEO of one of the competing companies in the designing sector, with so many people working under her. 

It didn't all come so easily though. She had problems, she had made quite a lot of mistakes...but it only had helped her to grow. Everybody starts from nothing and work hard until they achieve something. She had also started from nothing and now, she was still growing...both as a person as well as in her business. Aditi, was also someone who had helped her a lot. In fact, at a point she had quitted her own job to help her! Now, she was the creative director of her company, always assisting her in all her matters. 

She was really grateful to have such amazing people in her life... 

Suddenly Palak almost shrieked as felt someone...Veer pick her up by the waist from behind and twirl her around, her feet lifting up from the sand. 

"Veer!! Put me down!" She said giggling and Veer obeyed, but not before twirling her once more before putting her down. He then hugged her tightly from behind and placed small kisses on the nape of her neck. She eased into it, when she heard him say, "Those two are two devils sent by Satan! I can't handle them anymore! They must have got this from you!" 

Palak laughed and then she stopped all of a sudden, as it struck her. Feigning anger she said, "Wait...did you just indirectly call me a devil?" 

Veer gave her that 'of course...I told the truth look' and then said, "Of course...Its from you! I was always a quiet, shy and disciplined student! You were a monkey as a child!" 

Before Palak could say anything in return, Veer shouted, "Vansh! Don't throw sand at your sister!"

Palak turned around and shook her head in disbelief at the sight. Veer was pulling away Vansh from Pari, who were almost at each other's neck! What a chaos! 

Her life had never been dull or boring since the day, she had twins, Vansh and Pari. Her maa had always told her being a mother was difficult, but she didn't quite understand it then. But now, when she was a mother of two...she realized the truth in her words. Well...Veer was a big baby himself so it made three and she was the supervisor for all of them. 

Those two were already four! It still felt like, it was only yesterday...she gave the news to Veer that she was pregnant. When she first held their little hands, in the hospital room...she had realized that there was no better feeling in the world than that.

Pari ran up to her and hugged her waist. She then said, "Mumma! See Vansh is disturbing me!"

"She was the one who started! Mumma! Not- not me!"  He said frowning at Pari.

These two!

"Shh! Both of you! No more fighting! Papa would take you to have an ice-cream if you don't fight!" She said and as soon as she said that, both of them went entirely silent, looking at Veer with wide innocent eyes as if, they weren't at each other's neck before!

"See! I told you these two were devils sent by Satan! Look at them! As if they were not fighting like cats before!" Veer said out in disbelief.

She laughed and then said, "These two na! Veer...let's take them to that stall." Then she looked at them and said, "If I see you both fighting again-"

"Sorry Mumma!" They both said in unison, before she could finish what she wanted to say, and hurriedly followed Veer as he made his way towards the ice-cream counter.

Palak giggled and looked once more towards the setting sun casting a orangish red glow in the sky. 

"Palak? Come fast!" her attention shifted when she heard Veer call her from the distance.

"I am coming" She shouted back and began walking towards them.

It all started with a small crush...which turned into something so beautiful...

Palak didn't know what life was going to bring for them in the future...but what she knew was that Veer was the one for her and  she would love him forever....

It was not an ending, but the beginning of something more beautiful....worth to be remembered...

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