Old feelings and a strange announcement

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(Class 10)

It was Diwali, the festival of lights... his favorite festival in the whole year.

 Everywhere Veer looked, it was gilded with bright, shinning lights. It looked breathtakingly beautiful...but still somehow, that day something else had taken his attention away from them. Impatience buzzed through him.  Why were uncle, aunty and Palak not here yet? that was all he could think about.  He couldn't concentrate at all, on the celebrations or on the cracker bursting with other children from the invitees. 

 Debu kaka was serving juice and snacks to all the guests. It seemed that it was becoming difficult for him to do  it all alone, so Veer steeped forward and started helping him in serving, at the same time also trying to keep his mind away into something else. 

 With his back turned towards the front gate, Veer was serving the guests juice. Suddenly he heard his father shout, his tone brimming with excitement, "Arre Arre, Welcome Prakash welcome! What took you so long?? I was waiting for you to arrive...!" 

Veer stopped dead in his tracks. Suddenly, his heart  was filled with nervousness. Palak was here. She was here. Wasn't  he waiting for this all evening?  then why did he feel so nervous to face her all of a sudden? 

"You know about the traffic jams in Kolkata na, we had left a long time ago...but twenty minute route took us forty five minutes to reach...."  Prakash uncle complained.

"Accha, leave it...Now that you are here...lets enjoy!" His dad laughed and Veer guessed that maybe he took Prakash uncle aside.

"Veer! beta come here!" he heard his mother call him from behind. Veer took a deep breath, and slowly kept his tray aside and turned towards the front gate. As soon as he did, his heart skipped a beat. 

Palak looked....ethereal and beautiful.

Suddenly, he felt as if he had forgotten how to breath. Slowly slowly he took steps forward towards them,  not once his eyes shifted  from Palak. He felt as if he was in a spell. As soon as Palak noticed him, she gave him a wide smile, and his heart started doing summersaults inside.

He knew Palak will be the death of him....


It was that smile.

That  smile, which still made it difficult for him to breath. That  smile which he could identify even in a crowd of millions. That  smile which still now, after all of this years made his heart do summersaults. 

After all these years, she still looked so beautiful and ethereal, still was so same to what he last saw her but yet so different. Still after all these years, he could not take his eyes off her.

As he reached them, Prakash uncle quickly enveloped him in a hug. 

"Wow Veer, look at you! you have grown to be such a handsome man!"  Prakash uncle complimented him after pulling back. Out of the corner of his eyes, he could see, Palak's lips forming a slight smile on hearing that.

Did she think that he was handsome... too??

Veer ignored how he felt a tinge of happiness on seeing that. Soon Poorna aunty came forward and patted his head, smiling at him fondly. 

"Seriously beta, you have really changed a lot..."

"Come on, don't keep on standing... Prakash, Poorna, Palak beta come lets sit down and talk.." saying this, his dad took them all towards the living room. Before they all could sit down, his mom interrupted, "Arvind, let the children, go to the balcony and have a talk na... They have met after such a long time, they might have so much to catch up..."

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