An Impromptu Date

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"What? You both sorted out everything?" Aditi asked as soon as Veer and Krish reached to where they both were standing. Veer noticed that Palak was eying him curiously.

"Yes...but not before Veer promised me that he would do all my work, whenever I forgot to do it" Krish said with a slight smirk.  All of them couldn't help but smile at that. 

"Now that all the confusion is clear...why don't you both stay with us? Its not like you both don't know each other...why go back? we can enjoy together na!" Krish said and Aditi nodded approvingly at the suggestion. 

"Yes...No need to go back! Palak, Veer.... you both come together with us"

"But- The date is for you both...Aadi we should go back, its your and Krish's day both should enjoy alone-" Palak objected and Veer nodded, agreeing to Palak's objection. But both Krish and Aditi were not the people who would let something go so easily. That is why...after a lot of persuasions and objections, finally it was decided that Veer and Palak would stay and  when Aditi and Krish would go to the next planned destination from the park, both of them would return home.

The group decided to try out for the rides first. Krish and Aditi decided to go for the bumping cars and as soon as they left, Palak nudged Veer and said, "Roller coaster or Sky wheel? you decide"

"I don't have problems with either of should see Palak, choose the one you are not afraid of....I don't want to see you all wobbly and shaky after riding it" Veer replied smugly.

"Huh- you think I am afraid? I have a lot of experience.."

"Oh I don't believe you!...though I have never tried them myself, I can bet you wouldn't be able to do it!"

"Hmm...lets go for the roller coaster first then, we will see there who goes wobbly and shaky after riding it" 

It was an  open challenge between them...Veer was sure as hell she would loose.


"Baap re! What happened bro? you look so sick after riding the roller coaster!" Krish said and started laughing as he took in the pained expression on Veer's face. For Veer, everything around him was still going round and round. He struggled to stand up straight and quickly sat down in a nearby bench. It was not as if, he was afraid of heights or sacred of riding roller coasters, but this one was just....

"I had warned him before going...that this one is not like any... He didn't listen to me and now is paying for it" Palak teased and Veer at that moment wanted nothing but the ground to somehow open up and gobble him up to save him from this embarrassment.

"Hey! Aditi, seeing Veer's condition I want to ride it too... This is giving me thrills, If - If that's okay for you..."

"I don't have any problems Krish...we can try this and at that time they both can try something else..." 

"Yeah you both go ahead! We both can go to the drop zone....If Veer has that strength though.."  Palak said smirking. 

"Yes you both go ahead...We can go try the one Palak is suggesting...It won't be that bad I guess" Veer replied, feeling better now after sitting for a while. After that both the groups left for trying the next rides.

 It didn't take them long enough to try each and every ride. Veer was wrong though, each ride was worse than the previous one. In the drop zone, Veer was almost sure that his next stop was Heaven! But...the thing that surprised him the most, was to see how calm and collected Palak was through all those 'life endangering rides'! Every body else was screaming their lugs out and she sat as if it was nothing more than a 'merry go round'! At a moment Veer had even began questioning whether she was a human at all!

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