Moving in with you

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Taking his trolley with him, Veer slowly made his way towards the lift of his building. Thankfully, nobody else was waiting for the lift. Normally he would always have taken the stairs, and climbed up all the way to fifth floor... but today with his trolley beside him, climbing till fifth floor was a hassle and he really wanted to reach his bedroom to sit down and think, as fast as it was possible... So, lift seemed like the ideal option . 

Ever since yesterday night, his mind had been in a chaos. After they had left, he had locked himself in his bedroom to think, to put his heart at ease, but to no avail.  He had tossed and turned the whole night restlessly, without a brink of sleep. At the dinner table, he didn't know what had overpowered him, but right now while waiting for the lift, he knew that he himself had welcomed trouble, that would either end in Palak hating him, or their friendship gifting itself to stake because he knew that there was no way he could go without Palak getting to know about his feelings for her.

The elevator door opened revealing two girls in their twenties, just like him. Veer hadn't seen them before. So, he guessed that they had newly shifted in the building. As soon as the girls noticed him, their eyes went wide. The girl on the left nudged her friend and whispered something in her ears. Then, slowly both of them went past him with shy, small smiles on their faces. Veer couldn't decipher what had happened. But this sort of thing wasn't new to him. Girls in the college did that a lot too and besides he had more important matters to take care of, so he slowly went inside and pushed his floor buttons.

As he reached his floor, he took out the house keys from his pockets and keeping the trolley aside, unlocked and entered his flat. In all the other days, it would have been just a normal return, but today he was hyperaware about everything in his flat. As  much as he wanted to lie down in his bed and think, he knew he had to clean up and arrange. 

From tomorrow, Palak would be here too 

It was a two BHK flat. The other bedroom, which would soon be Palak's,  was left unused by Veer. Whenever his parents visited, they used that room but it was almost a year since they had last visited and Veer had kept the room locked since then. He  then opened the door of that room, and switched on the lights. 

He had a lot of cleaning up to do.

He quickly brought a duster from the store room and started dusting the room. There were a few things, like few of their clothes in the cupboard and some medical 1st year books of Veer in that room, which he decided that he would shift in his own room. Slowly and Slowly everything was getting cleared up when his phone rang. He placed down the books he was carrying and answered. It was his collegemate and perhaps he would say his only friend, Krish.

"Hey, Veer, you were supposed to come back today right? Are you in Bangalore yet? I hope you remember that we have to attend a meeting with the head today, about the special reports..." 

"I remember it Krish and yes I am back in Bangalore...I will meet you at 5:00 pm in the hospital café, okay? I know you are so eager to see my reports because you couldn't do yours..."

"Bhai...why are you even becoming a doctor? you should be a mind reader...Well, I am glad you know me so well... but there is a problem...I can't be there at 5:00 pm, because actually I'm meeting someone else that time.."

Veer sighed. Krish had a date again today. He was the total opposite of him. Almost everyday meeting with a new girl, and not lasting even a day with them. 

"Another of your blind dates... ok then Krish, its not my problem,  I am not going to do your work for you..."

"Bhai...Bhai...don't be upset, Please this one time, do this for me...I promise this will be the last time...I will do all your overtimes for the next three weeks...please"

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