A Late night Karaoke

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The next morning, both of them woke up early. Deciding that yesterday's incident was just an accident, they decided to leave that topic aside. Taking turns, in showering and getting ready, it was around 7:30, they both were finally ready for breakfast . As soon as Palak came out of her room, all dressed and ready to start the day's work, she was surprised to see that Veer had already made breakfast for both of them. 

"Veer....You have made breakfast already?" She asked, feeling guilty all of a sudden, He was not even properly ready yet... inspite of the fact that they both had to leave at around the same time and his classes started earlier than hers, he still made breakfast for both of them.

"Yes, The time was really less for making a better one, so I made something really simple" He said smiling.

And by simple he meant, egg toast with orange juice for her and with a cup of coffee for himself.

The humbleness of this boy was just out of the world..

"Veer before you say anything more... go...go fast  and get ready, you are getting late for your own class...Go, before I have to drag you to your room!"

Veer's eyes went wide on seeing the time, Palak realized that he forgot to keep track of the time.

"Oh no...." saying this, he almost dashed out of the kitchen to his room. After a few minutes, he emerged, fully dressed and ready and quietly came and sat down in the table.

"Veer, thank you so much for the breakfast...Its really good, but still, from tomorrow, we both can make it together...you don't have to do all these alone...I might be bad, but still I can help...okay?"

"Okay..." saying this he gave a slight nod.

"See, your classes start from 8 and mine from 8:30, so doing all of this alone, you got late today...so to prevent this, we will do it together from the next time...same goes for dinners"

"Okay then, from the next time, we can do it together then..." he said with a slight smile.

Both of them ate in a comfortable silence. After finishing and washing the plates, They left together. Veer was really giddy inside. Even though he was not trying to think about how they were looking like a married couple, leaving for work together....It was what he was thinking about.

"Come on, let me drop you off...No need to waste your money when I own a car and I can drop you off..." Veer suggested.

Palak thought for a while, He was already late on top of that giving her a lift would make him late further. So, she decided the otherwise.

"No, Veer, not today... You are already late for today, giving me a lift would make you further late, its okay, Let me hire a cab for today..."

She saw him pout slightly, but still he agreed and said, "You are right... but are you sure the cab would arrive at the right time?" 

"Yes Veer! it would, now go! you are so late already!"

"okay okay-, Bye!"

"Bye" Palak waved at him, her lips curving into a small smile as she saw him get up on his car and leave.


"Wow! The news of the century! 'Veer Kohli is late'...Veer Kohli is late for a class!" Krish whisper-yelled as Veer came and sat beside him after entering the class almost twenty five minutes late. 

"What happened to the always punctual, holy saint Veer? I miss him.." he continued mocking.

Veer didn't answer. It was true, that in all these five years, this was the first time he had been late. All the other times, he would have cared...but today, he didn't.....don't ask him why.

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