Excellent cook and an accidental incident

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The ringing doorbell and the horns shifted Veer attention from the pen and the documents that he was working or trying to work on for the past two hours. In general days, it would have taken him only thirty minutes to finish them, but today, from the past two hours, he could only finish a single document. He was so distracted that he didn't even notice that he was fidgeting with the pen, the half of the time.

The things must have arrived... he thought

According to what Palak had texted him, he noticed that the things had arrived perfectly at the estimated time. He quickly got up from his work table and dashed out of his room to the front door. On opening it, he found a few movers waiting, who on getting permission from him, started bringing Palak's small table and other small boxes up to his floor one by one. Soon after, the moving started, Palak arrived. Even though she was not dressed up like that day, she still looked beautiful and he felt his entire world lighting up by her presence.

Palak was shocked to see how big and spacious the flat was. It was not heavily decorated nor sparsely, but just perfectly. It was just like her dream flat. Two large bedrooms, a large kitchen a space for dining and an equally large, if not bigger, drawing room. And most perfect of all, an open balcony. 

"I hope you like my flat, it is not much decorated or something, you know that I am not a very decorative person...still I hope that you like it and its comfortable for you." Veer came beside her, and said.

Palak was shocked at his humbleness. She found it cute and found herself smiling.

Cute? what?

"Its perfect ! Veer trust me, It is really perfect and of course, I like it and I find it comfortable"

He appeared somewhat relieved at her words. 

Palak couldn't help but giggle.


"Haa, bhaiyaa! keep the boxes there only, I will manage the rest, thank you so much..." Palak said, as the men were leaving.

It was around 5:30 pm when she arrived and now, it was already 6:30.  One whole hour had passed in moving the small furniture and the boxes. As soon as they left, Veer's heart started beating really fast...

It was only two of them now...

Palak sighed as she saw all the boxes all the items. There was so much to unpack. Somewhere, she also felt nervous...Veer was someone, she had known since childhood, but living together with him, after eight years of no contact....it was a new and a weird experience.

She felt Veer come and stand beside her in her 'new room'. She took a deep breath and decided that she needed to tell him this. She turned to face him and said, "Veer...I really am very thankful to you for all of this...Thank you for solving my problems, and I also want to apologize for all the trouble you had because of me.... You can continue working on your reports or anything you need to work on, I will start unpacking my things.." 

As soon as she went near the boxes and decided to start opening them, out of the corner of the eyes, she saw Veer had already unpacked her table and was placing it at a corner. When he noticed that she was staring at him, he raised an eyebrow at her and asked, "What? Palak...you don't need to be grateful and sorry, I myself decided this...Palak you should know I will be always...always there to help you, whenever you need me... And how can I leave you alone to unpack all of this and settle them properly? I am not like this...you should know" 

I will be always there...whenever you need me

Palak did not know how to respond to that... She suddenly felt that she was really very lucky to have someone like Veer in her life, as a friend. She didn't even realize, when she had a wide smile on her face.

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