Delicious Disaster

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Sunlight was seeping quietly through the Balcony glass doors, as if, it also didn't want to wake up Palak. The whole room was illuminated by it. If anyone listened closely, they could hear the sweet chirping of the small birds and rustling bustling of the city below. 

But unfortunately, sunlight had failed, for now, Palak slowly seemed to wake up. She opened her eyes, trying to take in the familiarity of her surroundings.

 Wait, it didn't seem like her room....

 where was she?   

She rubbed her eyes, as the familiar karaoke came into vision. All of a sudden, all the events from last night one by one payed a visit to her.... that, how delicious the food was, how Veer had handed her the mic of the karaoke, how she had sung almost more than fifteen songs, how she had fallen asleep-

A blanket?  Where did this come from?

Palak was confused seeing the blanket that was perfectly covering her. Then it slowly hit her...

Veer had brought a blanket for her and covered her with it.

Palak couldn't stop herself from smiling. Veer truly was a gentleman... which he didn't know or realize at all. Speaking of him...where was he? she wondered.

She got up from the sofa and slowly folded the blanket. It was Friday, so today, her classes  ended earlier than usual days. Assuming that Veer was in his room, she quickly went to the bathroom and freshened up. After that, she decided to go to the kitchen and prepare a small breakfast for them. But, to her surprise, she found a fully, perfectly made breakfast, properly covered, already waiting for her. It had a small note on the top.

"Sorry, I have early classes for today and I have to leave at 7:30 itself. You were sleeping really peacefully, so I didn't wake you up. Let the 'breakfast making together plan' be for some other day...Today enjoy the breakfast made by me, warm it  if required... I Hope you will like it.."


Palak removed the plate above it, to find her favorite red sauce pasta again!

Haaye! What would she do with this boy!


"So please note down...."

His professor's voice drowned out in the background for him.

Would she like it? Did he add to much cheese? Shit, should he had woken her up, before he left? She looked really beautiful even she was asleep....

Veer couldn't concentrate at all. Every time he tried to pay attention, his thoughts would still take him to Palak.... 

He tried so hard to think about anything...anything else  other than her.  But, she was all he could think about.

"Veer- Veer...VEER!" Krish almost yelled as he shook his shoulder hard, finally getting the attention from him.

"What?" Veer asked, confused. 

"This is the third time you have spaced out today! What has happened to you bro?? You are never like this! Tell me, any problem?" Krish asked worriedly.

Veer himself was shocked. He never spaced out like this...and by never he truly meant never.

He needed to get a grip.

"Let's talk after class okay?" Krish added soon after.

After the class ended, they both came out of the hall. 

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