I saw a future...it was with you

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Palak woke up to someone calling her name. She slowly opened her eyes and took in the surroundings. She was draped by a comfortable blanket and was in a car. It was Veer who was calling her. 

But....Why was she in Veer's car?

And...Where were they?

"Yes!! you are up! come outside...I need to show you something!" Veer said, sounding very excited about that 'something'.

Palak slowly rubbed her eyes and neatly folded the blanket that was covering her. Then she got up and fixed her hair, before stepping out of the car. When she stepped out of the car, suddenly all the events from last night hit her. Their movie date, their kiss...

Palak could still feel her cheeks getting heated remembering that...  

Veer then waking her up at 4:30 am saying they had to go somewhere.  She remembered grumbling at Veer because of waking her up at dawn, but still they had left together for Veer's 'who knows what' within around fifteen minutes. Palak remembered getting on the car, but after that she might have fallen asleep during the journey and Veer had to cover her with the blanket, which she didn't remember him bringing with them. Perhaps Veer knew that she was going to fall asleep during the journey, that is why he brought it with them. Palak couldn't help but giggle seeing this caring side of her boyfriend.

"Come on Palak! You would miss it otherwise!" Veer called her again, this time sounding a bit impatient. He was standing on a small open cottage like area. It was still a bit dark, even though rays had started peeking out. Palak hurried to where Veer was standing, waiting for her. 

"Veer what is this place?" Palak asked, trying to make out the far away mist covered hills.

"I am not going to say right now...just wait two minutes more!"

Palak frowned at Veer, which made him smirk. Through the faint light, she could make out similar open cottages in the distance, with people standing and perhaps...waiting on them. But for what?

The sky had started becoming a bit more clear, with the darkness fading away. Now, she could see the distant cottages more clearly. She shivered, suddenly feeling a bit cold. She saw Veer walking back to the car, for she guessed bringing something. Palak was getting impatient. What were they actually doing? Why were they standing here? She felt his footsteps approaching towards and she asked, without turning back to look at him.

"Veer what is going on? why are we even here-" 

But before she could finish her sentence, two pair of hands covered her eyes. The familiarity of the hands, with the softness and roughness together at the same time told her that it was Veer.

"Shh! It me Veer! wait for a few seconds more..." He said. Palak realized how close he was standing to her, when she felt his hot breath on her neck. 

Suddenly The pair of hands moved away and Palak's breath hitched. It was the most beautiful scenery she had ever seen! The sun had risen, exposing the paradise that lay there. The mist surrounding the hills had got cleared away for the most part and now, she could see the vast expanse of hills that stretched to as far as the eye could see. The sun rays had given the entire sky a golden tint. Palak had never seen so much greenery. It made her feel alive. Palak knew if there was heaven...this was how it looked like.

"Veer...this- This is the most beautiful thing I have ever...ever seen in my life!" Palak exclaimed, not able to take her eyes off the heaven that lay before her. 

"I Know right? I figured out you would like it.." Veer whispered and slowly brought the blanket over their head,  covering them both together and also back hugging her at the same time.

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