Flour fight and a misunderstood marriage

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"Maa, let me show you Veer's flat properly...wait a bit, first let me switch on to the back camera" 

Palak hurriedly came out of her room, with her phone in her hand. She was on a video call with her parents. 

"See, this is the Balcony I was telling you about that day. And this is the kitchen, here... this is our dining space and here.....this is the drawing room.." She said, turning her phone to each and  every corner of the house.

"And, where is Veer beta's room?" her mother asked.

"Oh, sorry I almost forgot... This is my room's entrance and just opposite to it, you can see a door right? That is Veer's roo-"

As she was showing his room, suddenly the door opened, revealing Veer coming out of his room. This sudden situation caused Palak to jump back defensively.

"Baap re! Veer you almost scared me to death..." Palak complained.

Veer was dumbfounded for a second. He didn't understand how he had scared Palak...wasn't he just coming out of his room? 

"Arre Veer beta, good to see you!" Suddenly he heard, Poorna aunty's voice, and he realized that Palak was on a video call. Palak handed him her phone and on taking it he said, "Good to see you too, aunty...I hope uncle is well too."

"Yes yes, he is all right too...by the way beta your flat is so big and so beautifully decorated! I don't have words to tell you how much thankful I am to you for taking care of Palak, being with her and helping her like this..."

Being with Palak? he wanted this for the rest of his life...

"Thank you so much aunty and about Palak, I don't need to take care of her, she is very much capable herself...." He said smiling and handed back Palak her phone. 

"Ok maa, let's talk later then....I will call you at night, Take care...Bye!" 

"Ok beta, love you and Veer, take care...Bye!" 

Palak hung up and then went to the kitchen. It was her free weekend. She didn't have classes, nor did she have to go to work this week. Palak worked for the Landmark Group every second and fourth Saturday and Sunday. She wanted to work every weekend...but as she was a student, managing five days classes and rest two days in the company, would become very difficult for her. So, she was hired with the condition that the days she worked, the original person who she replaced would have a holiday, for themselves. And after finishing college, she could work like a normal hired person on week days.

Veer's curious eyes followed her, as he saw her, going towards the kitchen. Soon, she took a stool and placed it near the kitchen counters, and got up, trying to reach the topmost shelf. He quietly got up from the sofa and followed her to the kitchen. She was still struggling with reaching the topmost shelf. Veer noticed that she was trying to reach the Packet of Kellogg's Chocos kept at the topmost shelf. 

Who even ate this at noon? well... only a rare species named Palak.

"That's why you should have listened to Aunty, when she told you to drink Horlicks, in childhood...otherwise you wouldn't be a shorty now!" He teased.

As soon as she heard him, she tried to turn around, but the stool shook and Veer had to leap forward to hold the stool, to prevent her from falling.  After gaining her proper balance, she shouted, irritation dripping in her voice, "I am not SHORT Veer! for god's sake I am 5'5!"

"Well, If you are so tall, why can't you reach the topmost shelf?" he teased again.

This time she didn't reply and before, Veer could even conclude what was happening, suddenly something fell on him and he started coughing. When he could finally recover... he saw that it was flour!

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