I am not jealous (Yes I am...)

370 19 2

"So...Palak, I actually wanted to talk to you about something..." Aditi said a bit hesitatingly.

Their classes were over for that day, and after the hell of Monday classes, they were strolling through the college grounds, taking in some fresh air. Somebody had once said that 'Monday drains all your energy' and Palak honestly wanted that person to be awarded for this thought.

"What happened-- Aadi, is there something that's bothering you?" Palak asked, worried seeing her hesitation.

"Arre, no no, its nothing serious...I -- I just wanted your help for a matter..." Aditi quickly replied.

Palak was surprised.  Wanted her help for something? 

Oh...so that was the reason why the whole morning, Aditi didn't tease her for once or irritated her with her useless thoughts and questions...

"You want my help?? Ok...I am ready to help you, but for what?" Palak asked curiously.

Aditi went silent for a while, as if thinking how to structure her answer. Then finally, she replied, "So....actually, Krish, asked me out for another proper date, this Wednesday....and I am really nervous, You-- know I like him, I don't want to mess things up, so..."

No no no no-- Palak already knew where this was heading...

"So...you want me to come with you, to support you on your date...so you feel less awkward and more confident?" she asked.

"Yes-- actually that was exactly what I wanted to tell you..." Aditi said with a small sigh and then continued, "You know me so well..."

Palak was ready to do anything else...hell even do some of her assignments for her, but not this.

"And...you also know me well...so you know that I am not gonna do that for you...Aadi, you could have asked me to do anything else...but why this only!" She complained.

"But...Palak...I really really need you! Please do this for me once! Please!" 

"But, it would be very awkward if I go with you! I will be the third wheel all the way...You both will feel uncomfortable too! what will I do with you both on a date...that is meant for only the two of you!"


"No Aadi...I just can't go with you like that! You have to understand....maybe, Krish would be uncomfortable too, on seeing a third person being with you all the time...for something he has planned only for you! You don't need my help to be confident Aadi...you would be fine! You know that confidence is one of your best traits? everything will be fine!"

Aditi pouted on hearing that and said, "But-- I really really need you...I just want the night to be perfect! You being with me...would give moral support! I knew you would reject me...that is why I have already made plans for you!"

What? Plans?

"You can bring Veer with you na! In that way you won't be bored at all or feel like a third wheel!"

Palak's eyes went wide...Bringing Veer on a date kind of thing? 

Why was she nervous all of a sudden?

"No-- I can't just do that! He is a medical student! He might be busy with his studies or other important stuff...I just can't--"

"Then you can just come with me...and drop me at the place, then leave. At least you can do that for me... right? Please!"

Palak really really  wanted to refuse her. But, seeing her pleading like this...she couldn't  bring herself to refuse her. She felt how important this was for Aditi and if really being with her, eased her nervousness...she was ready to do that. Besides, she only had to drop her at the place and come back.

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