A cruel thing called 'LIFE'

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"If your head tells you one thing and your heart tells you another...whom would you listen to?"

Life is actually a constant oscillation between the sharp horns of dilemma. Nobody really ever knows how unpredictable the machinery of life is. We always desire something from life, but always get the opposite of what we want. Its so damn unpredictable that one moment you think all of your dreams are coming true and the next moment you realize that you...

You were actually dreaming....

It was all set...Everything was perfectly planned. He had decided how he would study in the best MD colleges of Bangalore, provided how his ranks in the last semester were one of the topmost. Then, both of them were supposed to tell their parents about their relationship. He had thought about those beautiful moments they were about to spend together after this graduation. 

Heck- he had even thought of proposing Palak at some point....

He had thought about a future for them...

But now, those dreams of future were lost...lost somewhere between those two choices. Those choices which suddenly wrecked out all the dreams, hopes and happiness from him, leaving him hollow and broken. 

How could he leave her alone?

How could he ask her to come with him sacrificing her own future?

How would he live without her two years in a different country...so far away?

How could he-

"Beta? Your floor has arrived..." 

Veer was jerked out from his thoughts when her heard a rusty old voice from somewhere around him. He turned around slowly to find that uncle who perhaps lived in the sixth or fifth floor eyeing him curiously.

"Your floor..?" He said again and motioned outside. Veer then realized what he meant. His floor had arrived. He was so distracted by his own sorrows that for a moment he had almost forgotten everything else around him. He quietly mumbled an apology and hurried out of the lift. 

With each step as he neared to his flat, the more scared and pained he felt. Right now she would be perhaps waiting for him with a big smile, excited to tell him everything that had happened today at her graduation.

How would he tell her about this? 

How could he break her heart and wipe that angelic smile off her face?

Veer was again brought back to reality when his phone rang in his pockets. He took it out and saw that it was his father who was calling.

Wow! that was what he exactly needed right now!

He picked up the call nevertheless.

"Hello? Hello Beta?" 

"Yes Papa-" He said, trying hard to stop his voice from wavering.

"Veer! congratulations! Your professor just called me and told me that you are receiving a scholarship to study in one of the best colleges in UK! We are so proud of you beta!" His father said and Veer's heart broke imagining the pride in their eyes right now. He didn't even want to imagine how much hurt they would be...especially his dad if he refused this scholarship.

"Its a golden opportunity beta! I am feeling as if I am on the top of the world all of a sudden!"

"What if I don't want this scholarship Papa? What if I don't want to study abroad?" He asked, going for the unthinkable, just to check if- if... 

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