When life gives you a Dilemma...

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(Class 8)

"Palak come and help me to bring out all the glass plates and bowls!" Her mother called out from the kitchen. 

"Yes maa!  I am coming!" Palak answered obediently and ran to the kitchen. Following the direction of her mother, she very carefully took out the glass plates and bowls. She never understood  why the glass plates were reserved only for the 'guests'. She wanted to eat in them too. 

Today, Veer...uncle and aunty were coming. They would all have dinner together. Palak carefully placed the plates and bowls on the dining table. Her close friendship with Veer was well...the reason of envy for many girls. Veer was no doubt good looking and  there were many girls in the class who liked him. And, often those girls clashed with Palak because Veer never paid much attention to any of them. She didn't know why that made her feel relived that Veer only...just only talked to her....that also the most. 

Something weird had happened to her today. In the break time she was going out of the class to join Smitha and others when she her eyes had landed on Veer standing near the corner of the staff room. Maybe any of the teachers had called him and thinking that  she decided that she would talk to him later. But, before she could turn around and leave, she saw Ananya...a girl she didn't like at all, taking Veer away from the staff room towards the corner of the corridor. She remembered halting midway. She had noticed Ananya putting on the biggest smile as she handed him something that resembled a letter or more....a confession letter. 

Palak didn't know why suddenly she had felt annoyed seeing that. She wanted Veer to reject Ananya. But, when she had seen Veer taking that letter, she suddenly had felt sad....for reasons she didn't know about. She had left without  turning back to see if Veer had accepted it or not.

The ringing bell, shifted her from the thoughts. They had arrived. Palak saw her father hurriedly go and open up the door. Soon, the entire house was filled with laughter and jokes. When Veer's eyes met Palak's, He gave her a wide smile. That smile made all those weird thoughts she was having....disappear. But, still she decided that, she needed to ask him about the letter.

Slowly she made her way to where Veer was standing. She took his hands and dragged him to the balcony.

"Arre! Why bring me to the balcony all of a sudden?" He asked surprised.

"it was too loud outside...its quiet here and I like it. Also, the sky is so beautiful!" Palak said, trying to find a suitable start of a conversation to ask him about that letter.

Veer raised his eyebrows at her, clearly not believing her. Uff! Why was he able to read her so well?

"You wanna ask me anything?" he asked.

Palak thought for a while. It was the perfect chance to ask him.

"I saw you today...with Ananya in the corridor, she handed you a- umm- confession letter?" She asked trying to sound not that eager to know. 

"Oh that!" He said and paused for a while then he began, "Yes...it was a confession letter....I was surprised when she handed it me. I had no idea...no idea that she liked me. I didn't read that letter though. I didn't want to give her any false expectations. That is why, I just told her that we were better off as friends and classmates the most non hurtful, politest way possible.."

Even if Palak wouldn't admit it, relief washed over her. She suddenly felt all happy. She didn't even know that she was smiling until, Veer pointed out by saying, "Wow! you seem really happy that I rejected her!" 

Palak felt her cheeks heat. She was embarrassed all of a sudden. She tried to cover up by saying, "No- no its just I heard uncle say something funny inside..."

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