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Instead of going straight to her usual table in the canteen and sitting at her usual place, opposite to Aditi, Palak went to a corner first and then quickly called up Veer, checking the time, hoping that he was not in class.

It should be break for them too...Palak thought.

"Hello? Palak?" Veer's soft yet deep voice set the butterflies free in her stomach.

Focus Palak...Focus

"I hope that I am not disturbing you..."

"No no, not at all...go on"

"Are you feeling okay right now? Last night your temperature was a bit high...though in the morning it had subsided, but now do you again feel feverish or any sort of symptoms like that?"

"no... I am completely fine! You don't have to worry at all! I don't feel any fever symptoms...I think last night's fever was only because of getting wet in rain...I am perfectly alright Palak!"

"I am believing you...hope that you are not lying to me.."

", I am not lying to you...I will not lie to you about anything...I am actually alright"

"Okay then...I am hanging up for now, don't forget to take the medicine, if you feel anything okay??"

"Of course maam! Okay maam I will follow your words! Bye!"

Palak let out a small giggle after hanging up. This boy....

As soon as she came and sat down on her chair...Aditi put down her phone aside and narrowed her eyes at her.

"What?!" Palak asked dumbfounded.

Slowly...Aditi got up and placed her chair just beside Palak's.

"Oh wow Palak! Your cheeks are pinkish...ears are red, you coming late to canteen...Come on, tell me! who got you blushing like that? Any mysterious man that I don't know about?" Aditi teased her and then wrapped her arm around Palak's shoulders.

Palak's eyes went wide...she didn't even realize that she was blushing so hard after just merely talking to Veer on the phone. 

"What are you tal-talking about? Its no- nobody!" Palak said hurriedly, trying to avoid Aditi's hawk like eyes staring at her.

"See you are stuttering also! come on tell me! Who is it?!"

"How can I not stutter when you are watching me like a hawk?!" saying this Palak shoved Aditi's arm off her shoulders.

"I don't believe you- wait! Is it Veer? your 'childhood friend'?" Aditi said with a small smirk.

"What- No no...What are you even thinking! if you keep on teasing me I would stop talking!!" Palak cried out, trying hard to avoid the fluttery feeling on hearing Veer's name.

"Ok ok fine- I am not going to that path again..." she said and Palak heaved out a sigh. But suddenly she spoke out, "I have to go...Mrs patil just called me before you came and she said that she has to tell me something important, but....before I go I want to say this to you...Face your heart Pallu, Don't hide...Its evident...You know, I would be the happiest, If that happens"

Giving her a small slight smile, Aditi got up and went out . Palak was almost frozen on realizing what she meant...

She knew....It was so evident...


"So...Veer, Krish and Mahira...Here I am handing you the names of all the others who would join you..." 

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