"A really small world..."

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"Hey! don't wear that! Umm...better wear the one in your left, yes- not that...the one beside it- Yes! that one!"

Following what Palak said, Aditi picked up the blue dress that lay on her left, on the chair. Placing that dress in front of her, she checked herself in the mirror and then turned back towards Palak with questioning eyes, that silently asked, "Is it really okay?"

Palak let out a bored sigh. No matter how many times she assured Aditi that she would look good in whatever she wears for her date, Aditi still was unsure and hesitant about everything. She just needed to be a bit more confident regarding herself...and Palak was always there to help her with it. Well, If only the confidence she had while spying about latest gossips and  learning the entire bio data of a particular boy was used a bit in this matter....things would have been a bit...well a whole lot easier.

"Yes! This dress is just perfect Aadi! You will look fabulous! and...you can match this with the heels you bought recently!"

"But- what if I look overdressed?-"

"No! you will not! Trust me!"

"But what if-"

"No more ifs and buts Aadi! This dress is final! besides Palak Basu herself is going to make you ready for tonight...you don't trust her skills?"

Aditi giggled at that and the tension in her seemed to ease. 

"No- No not at all! I trust her skills completely! I don't want my head getting cut off for daring to say I don't!"

To this both of them started laughing loudly. 

"Ok - Ok now that I know you trust me...let's get you ready!" Palak said enthusiastically and picked up the makeup brushes to began. It took almost half an hour for the make up to be done and within the next half an hour, Aditi was ready.

"Oh my god! Aditi you look Perfect! Krish would not be able take his eyes off you!"

Aditi went almost red at the mention of his name. Palak wondered if it was the same for her at the mention of....Veer.  Palak was jolted up from her thoughts when Aditi pushed her and made her sit down on the chair in front of the mirror now.

"What- What are you-"

"Chup! its your turn now Palak! Let me get you ready now!"

Palak was dumbfounded. It was Aditi's date...then what was she getting dressed up for? 

"Wait- Why am I getting ready? its your date today! what are you readying me for?!" Palak asked, confused when she saw Aditi selecting a dress for her.

"Its because...you would be going to drop me there...in that time, you will meet him for a bit...so, I want you to look fabulous too! you know not like a homeless wannabe...we need to have a good impression!"

Palak rolled her eyes and looked at her with a expression that said "really? do we really have to do that?"

"Yes! we need to! by the way...you will bless me later when Veer gets mesmerized on seeing you all dressed and dolled up, when you go back home!"

Before Palak could say something, her phone started ringing. It was Veer who was calling.  Aditi giggled on seeing that and said, "Lo naam liya and hazir!". Palak playfully glared at her and went to a corner and picked up the phone.

"Hello Palak?"

"hello...what happened? is everything okay?" Palak asked, suddenly worried.

"Yes- yes, its nothing serious.. actually I will come home late today, I have to go somewhere with my friend...so I thought I should inform you about it"

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