Chapter 16: Orimura vs Olivier

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Orimura and Oliver entered the ring, drawing their swords. Already in fighting stances. Everyone is determined to win, especially Orimura, the second time he should not lose.

"Are you sure that you will overcome me, Tarzan of Australia? Well, though, I'll check what you learned in the jungle for a year" - telepathically mocked Orimur's son. He loved to bring the opponent to aggression and anger in this way.

"What Lara did to you today, she won." - Oliver told his father in the same way, to which he only smiled slyly. Oliver has long been accustomed to this. And this calming down, training in the jungle... Patience is definitely now enough for all the provocations.

"I'm not going to give in to you - you grew out of this." - Mentally transfers Orimura, directing the tip of the sword at Oliver. He clearly has no intention of losing again. Because he doesn't want to feel like an old man.

With these words, Oliver went around to the left, closing the distance between them for an attack. That he did very slowly, thinking over the steps, moving his legs carefully. Than he exposed himself to a serious risk of defeat, because he is against the telepathic father, who reads all his thoughts and knows his every step.

"And I will not forgive this." - the son slowly approaches his father. He only smiles cunningly and slyly, looking at his son and reading his thoughts, directing the sword in his direction.

"Oliver! Are you a ninja or a maniac?! Stop wandering around! Attack already!" - the rebel could no longer resist and stood up, pushing herself away from the bench, accidentally hitting the knee with her fist, to Leo.

The leader's face should have been seen... He immediately looked at the rebel, with his eyes crawling out onto his forehead, jumping up from surprise and blushing on the spot. Everyone looked at them in surprise and only Raf with wild envy and jealousy. New mixed feelings of envy, jealousy for his brother and a kind of dissatisfaction with Lara played in him.

Oliver was distracted at that moment and looked at his sister in bewilderment. Orimura, probably the first, decided to attack first, which in fact did. As soon as Oliver looked to the side at Lara, he attacked him with an overhead strike of the sword. Oliver, out of the corner of his eye noticing that his father's sword was flying at him, at the last moment, put his sword in defense. From the pressure, sparks flew to the sides, the grinding of metal was heard. Oliver put his feet on the floor and slipped a little, growled.

Lara, realizing what she had done, immediately removed her hand, or rather her fist, from the knee of the reddened, surprised Leo.

"Sorry, Leo! I accidentally..." - the rebel was surprised to herself. And raising her hands up, she moved to another place, away from the leader, sitting between Raf and Talena. Raf was jubilant in his soul when Lara sat down next to him. Venus, sitting across Talena, gave her an envious glance and probably for the first time began to envy her younger sister and hate her a little.

Orimura only presses harder on the sword. Oliver, puffing, rests his feet on the floor and holds the "defense". The father breaks into a smile. The son sharply turned the sword horizontally, and slid to the side with a sharp movement. Father, making a "spiral" in the air to the side, stood up again in a fighting stance, pointing his sword at Oliver.

"Not bad..." - looking at his son with a malicious smile, going around. Oli smiled nervously. He has already regretted a hundred times that he had volunteered to fight with his father. Taking a deep breath, Oliver took a sharp step forward and attacked his father with the lower blows of his sword. Orimura blocked the blows with his sword so that sparks flew all over the room and the grinding of metal was heard, cutting ears.

"What a disgusting sound..." Talena winced. - "Already cuts ears up and down!" - closed her ears, pressing her palms to them.

"Come on!" - Lara pushed her lightly in the shoulder. - "At least they do not pull, as in the beginning." - continued to follow the carnage, clenching her fists, looking madly.

Raph looked at her with a grin.

"Do you like such a massacre?" - looks with curiosity.

"And how..." - looked at the rebel Larota. Her eyes drove him crazy, he just melted at her sight.

Oliver, leaning on the tip of his sword, foot kicked Orimur powerfully in the shoulder with a twist. Father was carried away a couple of steps, which made Lara turn her head back and look fascinated with what would happen next.

Orimura took hold of shoulder, which is already showing a bruise-like print. Orimura winced and took a big step forward, throwing his sword over his head, attacking his son, sharply lowering his weapon. Oliver thrust his sword across, holding the edge of the weapon with his hand. Orimura pressed with his strength and looked the "enemy" in the eyes. Oliver was holding the sword himself, his feet on the floor, looking his father in the eye. Orimura pressed down on the sword so that sparks flew and the grinding rattle echoed again throughout the hall.

"Oh God! They're going to kill each other!" - the younger was indignant. She did not like such carnage and was always afraid of sparring.

"Shut up! It's in full swing!" - shaking hands, said Lara. - "If you don't love, don't look."

Oliver, looking into the eyes of his father, pushed him sharply with his foot so that he fell to the floor. The son raised the sword to the throat of the "enemy" triumphantly standing over him, but not everything is so simple. Oliver felt that, something sharp and cold touched his collarbone, he slowly turned his gaze there. Orimura held his sword and slowly raised it higher to Oliver's carotid artery, showing that he too was a loser.

"No one!" - almost in unison cried out "spectators", getting up a little.

The "rivals" removed their weapons from each other and the younger helped the elder to rise.

"Still, I'm getting old..." - the father lowered his head.

"Okay, dad!" Amli approached him. - "You are still the best and strongest for us, but..." - her nose wrinkled in displeasure. - "You decided to kill each other in the end?!" - her voice was outraged in earnest, which only made both father and brother laugh. - "What are you laughing at?! I'm serious!!!"

"I would not mind fighting yet..." - said Oliver through laughter, from which the youngest already sat down.

"Yes, you're kidding..." - Amoly looked at him with beseeching eyes, so that he returned the words back.

"Sorry, but I told the truth." - grinning, Oliver looked at his sister.

"Really? Are you sure?" - Lara looked at him slyly, coming closer.

Oliver noticed her gaze, and he felt uneasy.

"Sure". - looks into her eyes, and she breaks into an insidious, sly smile. Oliver's got goosebumps.

"Guys! Who wants to fight? This fighter is not enough! " - shouted the rebel to the rest of the guys.

Oliver expected anything from her, but not that.

"Well? So who wants to fight?" - rebel looked at the guys, spreading her arms to the sides.

"I want!" - responded...

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