Chapter 27. IMPOSTER

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12 July 2021, 14:29 pm~


"Somehow 10 hours passed quickly..." a shadow yawned as she walked across the New York roof, looking at everything. "Yes," she held out and smirked. - "I haven't been here for a long time... I wonder how Аmly is doing? Heaven thinks I'm dead..." — the corners of lips involuntarily stretched upwards. "How I want to see her face when she realizes it didn't happen...

"Well, well, well. Who do we have here?" A familiar voice rang out in disgust.

"Scarlett..." - a shadow rapped out through clenched teeth. - "How did you... ahem... get here?"

"Hmm, by plane." - said the girl, dressed in a red and black suit, with an iron mask on her face. "You can be seen, too, probably the same plane?"

"Hmm... Maybe..." - the shadow warned. - "And why are you so nice to me

are you talking? "

"Hah," the leader of the clan Rose jumped off the overstatement. - "Yes, so, no one else... You probably already know what's going on?"

"So I'm trying to figure out why the hell are you here? What, were you waiting for me?"

"Well, maybe just a little," the girl showed her words with a gesture and swayed a little, but stood on her feet, heading for the shadow. - "I haven't seen you for a long time... Ik!"

"Um..." - the shadow looked at the familiar one and only now it dawned on her that she was barely standing on her feet because she was drunk. From a distance it was not so much noticeable... - "How long have you been Thumping like that?" The silhouette's voice was clearly astonished.

"You would know how much I hate you!" - Scarlett blurted out sharply and jabbed her finger in the shadows directly in the chest. - "You...!!!"

"Whoa-whoa..." - barely holding back a laugh, the dark one pushed Scarlett away from her. - "It's easier for you... Well, a fume from you... Fu..."

"I hate you!" - a blade appeared in the hands of a human girl, which she deliberately wanted to plunge into the shadow that tripled in her eyes, because of which she missed without even touching her. - "Die!"

"Pf-f-f!" - covered her mouth with her hand in a girl in a raincoat, holding back her laughter. - "Okay, okay... Then I will go and consider this for the fact that I 'died'? Okay?" - went in a cloak towards the house, dodging an angry drunk person.

"To stand!" - Almost like a dog, Scarlett rushed at her, but to no avail. We can say that the shadow took advantage of her condition and just left. "For you..." - in annoyance, sitting on her knees on the cold concrete, said the girl.

"What the hell? Why is she drunk in drooling here, and without the rest of her subordinates? " - flashed through head. "Something obviously happened while I was not here... Hmm, maybe she wanted to say something important, but I left? Damn, no, I'm not going back. Oh, the light is visible! I am at home... I am ... at home ... "- a pleasant sensation in my chest, and now she glanced in the window. Everyone is sitting in the kitchen, some kind of tense... 4 more unfamiliar mutants who are covering someone 5 with a big sword and something familiar skin color. "It is clear, they met someone in my absence..." - but then everything became like in slow motion: she herself enters the kitchen and sits down next to Oliver?! In her mind she had a plan for a pleasant surprise when she would appear and declare that she was not dead, but...

"Is this bitch here..." - all bliss disappeared in a moment, and inside boiled with anger. - "That's the same... Rubbish! She threw me off, and now she is replacing me ?! Has she already taken root in my role?!"

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