Chapter 23: His eyes are the color of ball lightning

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13 August 2017, 20:25~


The guys quickly arrived home and quietly entered the lair without suspecting anything. They went into the kitchen.
"Leo, did you notice anything strange?" - pouring water for himself, said Raf. Leo looked up and looked up from his thoughts. But then the leader is in one position, remembering what happened.

"I noticed..." - his voice was empty and glassy, ​​piercing the wall in front of Raf. - "Venus eyes are blacker than tar..." - the leader clapped his eyes. Raph shook his head.

"You know, Lara and Oliver have a different color too." - put his hands on the table and frowned. - "She has yellow-red and frightening, and his purple, like..." - bit his lip and looked up. - "How... I don't even know..."

"Lara, okay, there is yellow eye color in the world, but purple?" - Leo chuckled, looking at his brother, and the same turned to him, frowning.

"I'm serious! His eyes were purple!"

"Come on, okay. I believe, I believe. Don't just shout, or right now everyone will know that we are not in beds." - the leader shouted and the rebel bit his tongue a little.

"But the most interesting thing," Leo propped his head, averting his gaze to the side, which made his brother fully pay attention to himself. - "Their eyes changed color only in the light of the moon."

"Fuck... You're Don #2."

"Oh, Raf, shut up." - the katana master waved him off and thought further.

"But why suddenly we can't communicate with them anymore? Even Splinter doesn't say anything..." - the rebel finally took a glass of water and wanted to drink.

"Also, Ven told me we saw each other a year ago." Leo frowned, propping his head up.

"What nonsense? How so?"

"I don't really believe in it myself." - the leader sighed. "You know what else? Lara was your height." - The leader lowered his eyes and pulled aside. Raf, hearing that the craftswoman kusarigam with his height, choked and spat out the water back with laughter, clearing his throat.

"Leo. This is my first time saying this, but great joke!" - Raf tapped lightly on his chest. - "But it would be better if you said it when I did not start drinking water." - the rebel clenched his fists, looking the leader in the eyes angrily. But he - zero attention.

"Actually, I'm serious."

"You're kidding me. Like Lara, so small," - showed her approximate growth on himself. - "Could be my height." - put his hand on the top of his head Raf with an amazed face.

"I'm seriously telling you. When I was about to leave, or rather did not want to ..." - the leader lowered his head, scratching the back of his head, which made his brother sneer insidiously. - "LARA put her hand on my shoulder, LARA, NOT OLIVER, BUT LARA put her hand on my shoulder. I turned and she was your height. Well, a little lower. Oliver was standing on the balcony. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?" - the leader stared at him, spreading strained arms to the sides. It seemed as if he was holding an invisible ball filled with water, and was about to throw it at Raf for disbelief.

The rebel looked into his eyes and on his face it was clearly read: "And the boy, it seems, got high...". Taking a deep breath, he sat down opposite Leo and rested his head.

"And how to explain this? That their eyes change color and, as you say, also their height." - with notes of incredulity said the master sai.

"You still don't believe..." - the leader frowned and puffed out his cheeks. Raph laughed at his sight.

"Yes. I don't believe it. Well, how can such a small one become sharply with my height?" - the owner of the red bandana could hardly restrain himself from laughing. "Or have you still not recovered from the jungle? Or have you developed schizophrenia? Or have you..." Raf scoffed at Leo, but he felt the tension in the air emanating from Leo.

"Necessarily." - the leader snapped back, not listening to what his brother wanted to say, and then the rebel was sharply agitated.

"I don't understand... You like Ven, don't you?" - notes of jealousy and rage were distinctly audible in his voice. The leader stared at him in stupor, embarrassment and dismay at the same time. - "Or have you already switched to Lara?!" - Leo at that moment was taken aback from by the piercing gaze of his brother's brown-yellow eyes.

"You... you... what are you doing?"

"Me?! Absolutely nothing!" - he was furious more. - "Why did you start talking more about Lara?! Huh?!" - banged on the table with his palm. This crackling echoed throughout the room.

"Yes, I just said I remembered." - Leo jumped up and almost ran into Raf's sai. - "I have nothing against, since she is so dear to you..."

"I don't understand... And, like, if she is not dear to me, then you have something on her?!" - walked around the table to Leo Raf, but the older brother also went in a circle.

"Why are you so turned on? I have nothing for her! I like Ven!"

"Then so that I no longer hear from you about Lara, not a word!" - Raf threw the sai out of anger. Leo dodged and the weapon slammed into the wall.

"But now I know who you like..." - the leader smiled maliciously, which infuriated the rebel even more, but also embarrassed at the same time (!!!)

"So you on purpose, uncouth moron!" - Rafael burst into color and puffed already from anger. - "Come here, you spineless goat!!!" - leaned on the table and wanted to catch Leo by the belt, but he walked away and showed him his tongue. Or rather, he decided to return to childhood and tease Raf. He didn't even care, as they call him, just to tease his brother, the only thing that worried him now. That looked so funny from the outside.

"Oh, look! How I was able to embarrass our steel Raph!" - the rebel's eyebrow twitched nervously. He grumbled and saying: 'Oh, you... Come here, you shit!', Walked around the table, behind a laughing Leo. - "He blushed! Mikey, get out of bed and get the camera!" - Using his hands like a microphone, Leo hissed into the corridor.

"That's it," - while the leader was distracted by his hissing, the rebel was already behind and crumpled up his "little" fists. - "Dig your own grave, asshole!" - Raf grabbed the leader by the shoulder and swung at the katana master , and then a stern voice rang out.

"Now," the light turned on and Hamato Yoshi stood next to the guys. They froze with blank stares, staring into each other's eyes, unnatural postures and comic faces. Raf in a pose - 'I'll hit your face right now!' - with a fist hovering in the air, barely touching Leo's nose. And the leader himself with a twisted face - 'Ah! Just not on the nose!' and with his hands hanging in the air, not counting that he himself bent a little back, onslaught of Raf. - "What's going on here?!" - the voice of the master became even harsher and deeper than usual. The guys stood in a daze and unchanging positions, not knowing at all what to do.

"I'm asking what's going on here?" Sensei frowned, not taking his eyes off the students. From this second question, a light current went through their bodies and their tongue involuntarily uttered.

"He started first!" - the guys said in one voice and poked each other with their fingers in the chest, suddenly turning their heads to their father. He shook his head and sighed.

"Kindergarten. But I'm worried about something else." - he gazed at his sons that they, this very second, stood up on command: 'Attention!' - "Why did you two go to De Milo? It was clearly stated that you cannot communicate. And even if did... Why didn't YOU take the younger brothers?" - Splinter hit the floor with his cane and the guys looked down guiltily, putting their hands behind the shell.

"Well, they are so..." - Raf began to invent. - "They slept soundly..."

"What did we think, that it is better not to wake them up..." - the leader caught the irony and laughed nervously. The master shook his head.

"This is mean on your part, elders. Did I teach you this? Even if you break it, then at least all together." - the master said this with disappointment, inciting shame in the guys. - "The younger ones will not be pleased to hear that you went without them. But this is in the background, and now..." - the old man squeezed his cane. - "What did you find out? And although, I heard everything."

"And how do I understand this is generally a small part of the whole mystery? Right?" - the eldest looked at his father from under his forehead, which made him draw full attention to himself.

"Very small." - the only thing that sensei said before turning around and knocking the brothers off their feet with his tail. - "Tomorrow you two will not get out of the dojo. But now - sleep fast!"

"Yes, sensei." - the guys, rubbing their banged heads, went from room to room. They will be punished tomorrow. Or maybe not...

Another dimension called the "Dead Path". One single path leading to several different astral dimensions. One has only to think about one of them, the door will open where it is necessary.

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