Chapter 26. Memories of that day...

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"Who are you exactly?" - the telepath asked mentally, but the answer was widespread: "Your fighter" - yeah, when he has 5 fighters, so understand which of them... Although, there is an option who exactly it is...

"But where the hell are you looking?" - the Necromancer looked sideways at the swordsman, not understanding what the hell he was looking into the abyss, where there is nothing but darkness. - "Who do you want to see there? Your death?"

"My fighter means... Hmm..." Orimura pondered, misleading Naiichu.

"What are you hanging…?" - was taken aback by the ghost and pulled back a little from the telepath.

On the other side of the cauldron, Raf tried to untie his hands without getting caught by the fangs of the snake. A centimeter from him flashed a shadow, darker than all the space around. He jerked and began to peer where she disappeared in an instant. Not finding her, he attributed it all to what it seemed to him.

"And now it's quiet," - he felt someone's warmth from behind, but they immediately covered his mouth with a hot hand. - "If you will make sounds, you won't get home..." - hissed a voice, opening his mouth a little, which he only managed to open to hiss in response, but he was not allowed to do so. - "Wai, my father will kill me..." - the last thing Raf heard before him put some sour, salty taste in his mouth, making him swallow it. Already goose bumps went through his body, and his body immediately demanded to spit it out... well, or, to vomit...

"What?!" - Orimura heard the last phrase, said behind the cauldron, and involuntarily turned his head there, realizing that it was about him. - "What the heck…?!" - but there was no one there and it was strange. Who is this moving so fast in such a slow-moving dimension as the Cloud Void?! But a voice was heard from the front...

"Bon appetit, dad!" - in a second, they put the same thing in his mouth as Rafa, more precisely, they did not put it, but shoved it, and so that he immediately swallowed it, almost not having tasted the taste, but oragagnism behaved in the same way, demanding to remove this rubbish from myself. But Orimura realized that it was and therefore restrained his vomiting to the last, wanting to know who it would fly in for using HIS method of "urgent exit from the astral dimensions"... And then it WILL REALLY FLY to someone...

"Not!" - Naiich shouted in fury, holding out his hand to the disappearing Orimura, but it was too late. This muck is too concentrated and acts quickly. Naiichu only had time to easily move a finger when this shadow grabbed him by the fabric of his kimono, and with a sharp jerk down, bent his head into the cauldron.

"Oh yes..." - laughter rang out, gradually receding into the abyss of dimensions.

As scalded with boiling water, the Necromancer pulled his head out of the cauldron, leaning his blackened fingertips on the edges, brushing his long tarry hair aside, looking around in rage, finding no shadow, Orimur, or a rebel.


"She behaves somehow strangely... Not so... I feel it in my heart..." - flashed through Jack's head while everyone was sitting at the table. "Something is wrong with her..." - the swordsman thought diligently, looking at his childhood friend, who seemed strange to him... And even from the moment when they met in the forest. He is presenting her as different, or rather, according to his calculations, she should have been different. “Maybe, of course, circumstances influenced her so much... But from the look of her father, it is also clear that something is wrong...” - Jakana threw a quick glance at Orimur and realized that father was looking at him with displeasure.

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