Chapter 1

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Amelia's POV

From: Mikey
Hey, we're here. Open the door.

I put my phone back into my pocket and head downstairs to the front door. I open it to reveal my cousin and his wife.

"Hey Mikey. Hey Lindsay," I say letting them in.

"Hey Millie," they both say giving me a hug.

"How are you holding up?" Mikey asks.

I stay silent for a bit before answering, "I'm fine." He gives me a skeptical look but knows it's best to let it go. The three of us walk to lounge and sit down. Instead of the normal Mikey grabbing a game that we all play, we just sit in silence. After a few minutes, I decide to break the silence. "When do we leave?"

"After your last day of school," Lindsay say. "So two weeks from now." I just nod.

A few more moments of silence take over before someone knocked on the door. "I'll get it," Mikey says getting up. We hear the door open and a few mumbles before he returns with a police officer behind him.

"Amelia Jones?" he asks motioning to me. I nod. "Follow me." I look towards Mikey who just nods, signalling it's okay. I get up and follow him outside onto the front porch. "Do you want the good news or bad news first?"

"Whichever makes the most sense to tell," I reply not knowing what to think.

The officer sighs before looking at me. "So, the good news is that Bianca, Mackenzie, and Vanessa have been put into juvenile detention and face a possible life in the prison. Your parents also have been found." The minute I hear those words, I look up with hope. "Sadly, they were found dead." That made my heart drop. I just stared at him with a blank expression. "Miss Jones, are you okay?" I nod not wanting to admit anything.

He motions me to go back inside and sit with Lindsay and Mikey. We sit and as they talk about them becoming my legal guardian, I just sit alone with my thoughts. They're gone, all because of those bitches! My parents are dead because of some group that's after them. They got what they wanted now too. Mikey nudges me to pay attention. I look back at the police officer.

"We are going to court tomorrow to take all of the legal actions necessary for you to become her legal guardian," he tells us. "Thank you for your time Mr. and Mrs. Jones. Good luck Amelia."

Mikey escorts him out. As soon as I hear the door close, I break down in tears. Mikey puts his arm around me and pulls me into his chest. I just cry. Lindsay starts rubbing my back in attempts to soothe me. The last thing I remember is Lindsay and Mikey saying, "Don't worry. Everything will be okay."

I wake up to the voices of mumbling. I blink a few times and realize that Mikey must of carried me up to my room.

"Are you sure she's going to be safe with us?" I hear Lindsay ask.

"She has to be. There is no way in hell that I'm letting her stay here," he replies.

"I know, but the thing I'm worried about is that she's not going to like living with us. I mean, yeah I know you guys are close and all Michael, but I want her to live like a normal teenager," she sighs.

"I know Lindsay. I want to keep her safe though," he says. "She's the only family I really do love. I would hate to see her hurt." I sneak out of my room and hide behind a wall near the top of the stairs.

"Michael," Lindsay starts, "you do understand that taking care of her is going to be a big responsibility."

He sighs. "I know, but no one else wants to take her in. I mean my parents were willing to take her in, but they asked me first if I wanted to take her in. I couldn't say no!"

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