Chapter 2

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Amelia's POV

Today's the day, the day I've been dreading. Friday, May 30, 2015. The day of my parents' funeral.

I slip on the black dress I bought from Pacsun and my black ballet flats. I didn't bother with make up because I knew it would be ruined later on today. I grab the locket my parents gave me on my 13th birthday. I stare at it for a few moments before clutching it, bringing it close to my heart. I sit on my bed and close my eyes tight, trying to remember every good memory it brought. I open my eyes and jump a bit when someone knocks at the door.

"Can I come in?" the person asks.

"Sure," I say. The door opens to reveal Mikey.

"Hi," he says closing the door behind him. He walks over to me and proceeds to take the seat next to me. "How are you holding up?" I just look down, trying my best not to cry. "Hey, hey, hey. Please don't cry, yet at least, because if you do, then I'll probably break down." I let out a chuckle. "Now come on, we have to leave now." I nod. We both get up and head downstairs. I look at Lindsay, who is wearing her black dress and heels, and Ray, who is wearing a black button up shirt with a tie and dress pants, as we head down the stairs.

"Are we leaving now?" Lindsay asks Mikey.

"Yeah," he replies. She takes his hand as they walk out in front of us.

"You ready?" Ray asks taking my hand. I nod, squeezing his hand.We walk out to the car and take out seats.

The drive to the funeral home was quiet. No music played. Not even a single word came out of anyone's mouth. It was dead silent. After what seemed like the longest thirty minutes of my life, we finally get to the funeral home. Across, you could see the graveyard, and the two spots in front were completely dug out. I look away, knowing those two spots were for the two people who loved me most. Ray squeezes my hand, causing me to look up at him. He just nods, motioning towards the doors of the funeral home. I nod as we walk towards them. Once we get inside, we follow Lindsay and Mikey to the front of the room and take our seats.

The service went on for about an hour. I heard many stories from my aunts, uncles, parents' friends, and even Mikey. Soon, it was my turn to say my eulogy.

"Now, their daughter, Amelia Claire Jones, will say a few words," the priest says.

Ray squeezes my hand before I go stand up in front of everyone. Mikey hands me the mic and gives me a hug before he sits back down with Lindsay and Ray. I take a deep breath and look towards Ray, who nods signaling everything will be okay.

"Every child grows up with a set of parents. Some have one parent while others only have parental figures due to adoption and that stuff. I was lucky enough to have both my parents. I remember being a little girl and making my parents play tea party with me. I remember dragging Mikey with me to play superheroes while my parents would be the villains. I remember so many things. They've taught me so much about life and people and how cruel the world could be, but they always told me that things would get better. If I'm being honest, that's the hardest thing to think about since at the moment things don't appear that they will get better. They were my parents. They were there to hear my first words, to see my first steps, to see me on my first day of school. They were my first friends. The first people who got to hold me. Now, it's hard knowing they won't be able to see me when I go to prom, when I graduate high school, when I get accepted and graduate university, when I get married, and when I have kids of my own. My kids won't grow up knowing how wonderful they're grandparents would of been. They'll only hear stories of how amazing they were." I take a breath to stop shaking. Tears are threatening my eyes at this point. " They were taken away from me too early. It's hard for me to accept that they're gone while there's still so much more I need them for, but all good things must come to an end. They will always be my parents, and no one could ever take away the love they gave me, especially now because I know that they are still watching over me and guiding me through everything." I look over to their open coffins. They look so peaceful together. "I love you Mom and Dad." With that, I put the mic back in its stand and walk back to my seat.

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