Chapter 23

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Michael's POV

"Amy, wake up." Her eyes flutter open before she lets out a groan and turns the other way. I chuckle. "Wake the fuck up!" I say a bit louder.

"Five more minutes," she groans.

"It's already nine, and today's RTX," I tell her. That seems to wake her up since she sits up right away. "Go get ready. We leave in ten minutes."

She bolts out of the room, causing me to laugh. I make my way downstairs to see Lindsay.

"What do you want for breakfast?" Lindsay asks me.

"We could probably grab kolaches on the way there," I answer. She nods as she makes sure everything is in order. Soon enough, Amy runs downstairs and grabs an apple. "Is that all you're going to eat?"

"There doesn't seem to be anything else to eat," she comments. "Plus, I gotta hurry up. I told Barb that I'd help set up."

"Why did you do that?" I question.

"Because she's helping Uriah and I with something," she replies.

"At least grab something on the way there. Today's a big day," Linds says. "I can make a stop at Starbucks if you'd like." Her phone beeps before she could respond.

"And I gotta go," she tells us. "Uriah and I have a few things to pick up before we get to the convention center."

"Alright, anything you need us to bring?" I offer.

"I think I'm good," she says. She gives us both a hug and a kiss. "I'll see you guys there."

When she's gone, Lindsay turns towards me. "Are you sure it's fine that we left her with Uriah?" she questions. "I mean, you know what the note said." I let out a sigh.

"She'll be fine," I say in a reassuring tone. I'm pretty sure I was trying to convince myself that more than I was trying to convince her. "Anyways, we have RWBY and Internet Box, and she has the Teen Girls of RT, so we'll be fine. She'll be at our panels, and we'll be at her's." Lindsay nods.

"Ready to go?" she asks. I nod. I put on my shoes before we make our way to the car.


Amelia's POV

"Do you have everything?" I ask him as we pull up to the JW Marriott.

"Yes," Uriah says. "Now come on. We promised Barbara we would help her out." I nod. We run out of his car and make our way into the hotel. We show our badges to security before running to the second floor.

"There you guys are," Barb says as we walk up to her. "Janyce is over at the Hilton right now. The Teens of RT panel is happening in Governor's room. Your guardians will help you with bringing Uriah's stuff in."

"Which reminds me, is there a place we can make the signs and stuff?" I ask. "He forgot to make them and we spent a good half an hour getting supplies."

"You can make it in here if you'd like. This doesn't open up until noon," she tells us. "I can get Faith, Iris, and Clara in here to help."

"Please and thanks," I say. "Don't forget to make sure Daisy keeps her distracted for now." She nods and texts away.

"I'll go grab the stuff," Uriah tells me. I nod as I start getting the tables set up for the signings.

"Pond!" I hear someone call out. I turn around to see Ray.

"Williams!" I exclaim as I run towards him. I jump and give him a hug.

"I haven't seen you in so long!"

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