Chapter 4

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Amelia's POV

Peyton talks to Gavin while Meg helps me with rolling out the bread.

"So, you and Peyton," Meg starts. "He seems nice."

"He is," I reply as I start washing the strawberries.

"So what's going on between the two of you?" she asks.

"Nothing," I reply. She gives me the look that pretty much calls bullshit. "Seriously, there's nothing going on."

"Are you sure?" she questions.

"Positive. I'm not going to let myself fall again," I mumble the last part.

She sighs. "You know, not all guys are assholes, and even if they are, you just have to find that one asshole who treats you right." This causes me to chuckle. "Gavin, Peyton, are you guys going to sit and watch or are you going to help?"

"Am I going to get coated in Nutella again?" Peyton asks.

"You won't as long as I don't get covered in cream cheese again," I smile.

He laughs as he and Gavin get up. While Meg and I cut the bananas and strawberries, Gav and Peyton spread Nutella and cream cheese to each piece of bread. They also put the two fruits in before rolling them up for me. When they finish, I get the egg and milk mixture ready as Peyton makes the cinnamon sugar mix. I smile as I turn on the electric stove, using butter to grease the pan.

"Thanks for helping me," I say.

"Well, you're a really good cook," he compliments. I blush as I continue to cook. "So are you free tomorrow?"

"I'm going to be here all day if you count that as being free," I joke. "I should be, why?"

"I was wondering if you would want to hang out tomorrow with me and a few of my friends," he tells me. "We're going to this park that I would always go to whenever I come here. Are you in?"

"I gotta check with my cousin first, but I'll see what I can do," I say as I take out the first batch, coating it with cinnamon sugar before putting it on a plate. He smiles and stares at me. "What are you looking at?"

"Just how beautiful you are," he says. I laugh as I put the next batch in. "I found your channel last night."

"You mean the Rooster Teeth channel? They make awesome videos and skits and everything-"

"No, I mean your personal channel," he interjects. "You're really good at singing and dancing."

"Thanks," I blush. "You're not that bad of a singer yourself."

"I try," he jokes. I start the last batch of french toast rollups when Jon walks in.

"Amy, are you doing anything at the moment?" he asks.

"Umm, I'm cooking," I retort.

"No, I mean for work. Are you going to make any Let's Plays or anything?" he questions.

"I don't think so, why?" I ask.

"I need you to be on On The Spot tonight. We need someone to go against Lindsay and Michael," he says.

"Okay, who's on my team?"

"Umm, I gotta figure that out," he tells me.

"Alright," I say as I put the last batch of french toast rollups on the plate. "Just let me know before we start."

"I'll see you at 4," he says.

"See ya later," I call out as he walks back to his office. I grab the plate and bring it to the table.

A Life Worth Saving {In Editing}Where stories live. Discover now