The Forest

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Dipper POV

"Mmm..." I felt something on my face.

I opened my eyes and I saw this thing on my face. Its skin was a dark purple to almost black, blood-red wings, a tail, and bright blue eyes. For a second I thought a snake was on my face and then I realized that snakes don't have wings.

I yawned softly and looked at what I think is a fairy, "Hey."

The fairy flew up and onto my lap. I sat up and rubbed my eyes making sure that I wasn't going crazy. From the late-night reading, I'm not surprised that I already meant something magical.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

They just stared at me. I placed my hands out and they climbed on my palms and sat down. Whatever this is may not understand me.

"I wish I could understand you," I smiled.
Their eyes glowed for a second and a smirk creeped out, "Yes, you can."
"Woah!" My eyes widen, "That's so cool."
"I have never seen you before mortal," They answered.
"I come from somewhere far and nowhere as magical as this place," I answered.
"I sense great power inside you," They said, "You have a great gift."
"I don't know what you see in me, but I don't have anything special about me," I explained.
"Not special? Only a few people each century can have this gift," The fairy explained.
"Are you a fairy? Or a pixie?" I asked.
"I am a fairy from a different realm... I have been trapped in this world for years," The fairy explained, "You are one of a kind."
"I'm nothing special," I muttered, "I'm just a person. No magic powers or great intelligence."

The fairy sat crisscross and cupped their palms together as they closed their eyes. I saw them glow and they opened their eyes and stared at me.

"You are more than what you think," They said, "Whisperer of Monsters."
"What of monsters?" I questioned.
"You will see soon..."
"What does that mean? I want to know," I muttered.
"You will soon, but for now take this,"

They bit my finger and then my forearm started to burn. It wasn't a bad burning feeling, but it was like when you put your finger over a candle for a second. I suddenly felt a panic course in my body because something in my mind kept telling me it was bad.

"What is it?" I asked, "Take it off."
"It has always been a part of you," They told me while going near the window, "The Key."
"Wait, take it off!" I shouted, "Don't fly away!"

I ran towards the window but the fairy already left. I sighed as I stared outside and saw them fly away. I looked at my arm and saw what caused the burning feeling. I saw a bunch of familiar symbols on my arm with a triangle in the middle.

I realized why the markings were so familiar to me now. The book! There was a page with those words that appeared on it. It had these same markings, but on the top of the page, it said forbidden.

I guess this is bad...

I need to figure out a way to hide this. Then I remembered that Mabel made me hold on to her makeup because she didn't have enough room in her bag!

I went through my stuff and found Mabel's foundation. I have no idea what I'm doing but it's something. I looked at my arm and realized that it was big.

A Summer that I won't forgetWhere stories live. Discover now