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Dipper's dream (third person)

Dipper was in the woods by himself and everything was in black and white. The only thing that had color was himself and the red X in the sky.

He heard eerie sounds in the background as he walked closer to an opened space near a cave. He was in the middle of a large circle with the Cipher Wheel, but it was different in a way. All of the signs were different in a way. The shapes were rearranged because the shooting start didn't look like a shooting star anymore. All of them were rearranged but Bill's demon form was in the middle.

He heard voices chanting. He could clearly hear them. All of a sudden he heard horrific screams and he turned around to see something familiar.

There was a tall and lanky creature with completely pitch-black skin. Dipper could see its ribs and spine clearly. It was like his skin wrapped every bone perfectly with no wrinkles. It wore a skull of a bird on top of its head. Its arms were long and so were its fingers and nails.

He felt the creature's nails touch his stomach and slowly started to put pressure on it. He looked up at the creature and froze in place.

"You must for fill your destiny," It spoke, "Before your time expires..."

He didn't scream... he felt the creature's sharp nail go through his body. Dipper coughed blood and stared at the creature.

"Your power grows with each passing moon... soon you will be at your strongest and as strong at him," The creature said.

He heard the chanting become louder as the creature stared at him. Dipper started to cough blood, but slowly the blood turned into blue petals.

"Remember the marks..." The creature said, "Remember what you hear... remember the pain of-"

Dipper felt something stab his heart, but he wasn't dead. The blue petals turned back into the blood as they saw Bill in the corner of his eye.

He was dead... his corpse laying there with a clear wound on his forehead.

Dream over

Dipper jolted up and felt his stomach and chest. He looked out the window and it was still nighttime. He hugged his knees as he looked at the wall. He was sweaty and comfortable since this nightmare was similar.

Then he realized that before the face wasn't blurry anymore. Before Bill was a stranger and now he wasn't. The crave wasn't a random location anymore, but it was somewhere in gravity falls. The Cipher Wheel wasn't some crazy symbol, but a way to summon Bill.

Before he came here everything he saw was nonsense, but now everything was so clear. Then he remembered his other nightmare that was as frequent as the one he just had.

It was in the woods with the large red X in the middle of the sky. The sky wasn't blue but random oranges, reds, yellows, and hints of greens, pinks, and purples. That same weird Cipher Wheel was on the ground near a cave. It was just him alone crying in the middle and blood was everywhere. It wasn't the current gravity falls but another version of it. The town wasn't there and it was just nature.

Dipper laid back down and tried to fall back asleep, but couldn't. After twisting and turning he decides to head downstairs with several pieces of paper, a pencil, an eraser, a pen, and a few colored pencils.

A Summer that I won't forgetWhere stories live. Discover now