Forget Today

437 20 4

POV Dipper

Mabel and Pacifica were in front of Bill and I. I knew that they didn't want us up front for obvious reasons. Bill squeezed my hand tight as we walked back towards the lake and I hate to say it, but I don't remember what happened after I was shot. I feel like I should have remembered what happened because I heard everything, but I remember nothing. It's a little weird to me, but I'm just happy that I'm alive and all better. I'm happy that Bill has his other eye back and that there is no scar of any kind.

I could see the water shining from where I'm standing. I could barely walk now and worse of all I feel like I could collapse on to the ground right now. Bill waits with me and whistles to the girls to stop for a couple seconds.

"We don't have to go back yet," Bill told me, "They don't know how long it takes for the pond to work."
"Or they could think that he's dead," Pacifica said.
"Don't say that," Mabel pouted, "Grunkle Stan is going to murder us if we make him think that he's dead."
"I never said that we were tricking, Stan," Pacifica told her.
"It wasn't even implied," Bill said, "I do understand her thought process about it."
"We just need to handle everything," I spoke, "We need to figure out what we're going to do after this."

I start to hear a faint beep noise coming from the lake. When we walked closer I saw the ghost children huddled around in a circle and I realized that the monster body was gone. I felt tears race down my face when I saw the monster alive and well.

I saw the monster die in front of my eyes. How is he still alive? I quickly raced up the monster and hugged him tightly.

"I can believe it-" My eyes widen I looked over and clearly saw the body.

I slowly back away and looked up at the monster that looked exactly like the one laying dead on the floor.

"One of the monster babies are missing," Mabel pointed out.
"One of them transformed and it was oddly beautiful," Stan said, "If happened a bit after you left."
I walked over to the dead body and placed my hand ontop of his head, "Thank you for what you did for me... I will never forget you."

Suddenly, the body turned into a small field of grass and flowers. You could tell that patch of grass and flowers weren't there before... it was a different shade of green and the flowers glowed softly.

I stare at Grenda and Candy before staring at Gideon's unconscious body. Ford was still out too, but he was trapped in a cage made out of roots.

"What happens next?" Bill asked.

I don't know. What does happen next? The demon buster team knows that Bill is alive, but two of them are confused and conflicted while the rest are knocked out.

"Candy, Grenda, are you guys okay?" Mabel asked them, "I'm sorry that the monsters started to hurt you two."

Mabel knew not to let her hand out. They both just stared and didn't answer her at all. We needed to think of something before the two of them woke up.

"What are we going to do?" Pacifica asked, "We all know the moment these two wake up everything is going to turn into bad."
"We don't even know when the moon is going to be out and full," Mabel said.
"Is that really important?" Stan asked.
"It said so on the rock," Pacifica told them.
"It is almost the end of the summer so it should be soon," Mabel said.
"We could lock them up until time comes," Pacifica said.
"We're not locking up my brother and Gideon," Stan sighed.
"Why not? It's not like there going to be there forever," Pacifica said.
"That's only a temporary solution," Bill said, "They're still going to try to kill me even when we do open the bubble and bring back magic to the world."
"That is true," Mabel sighed.

We don't even have a short-term solution... why didn't we think about the long term stuff before hand. They were all going to find out soon.

"What if... we ease their memory," I blurted out, "Right before Mabel gets taken by the monster. We replace it and pretend none of this ever happened."
"Ford has a metal plate in his brain," Stan added, "Bill won't be able to go into his mind."
"Sapling, we can't do that," Bill told me, "It feels wrong even if they are assholes. We can't mess with their minds like that."
"What other choice do we have? We can't lock them up and we may have to do the same to those two if they don't keep their mouths shut," I told Bill.
"Woah," Stan said, "We're not messing with anyone's memories."
"You can't erase our memories," Grenda said.
"No all of them just the parts of you knowing Bill is alive," I told them, "It won't hurt."
"Dipper, I don't know," Mabel started to play with her hair, "Are you sure this is a good idea? What if something goes wrong?"
"What if we don't talk?" Candy asked, "We won't tell anyone that Bill is alive."
"I'm listening," I said.
"We won't tell anyone and you can't erase what happened today," Candy said, "We promise."
"I rather keep today than have the possibility of everything being erased," Grenda said.
"No one said that we were erasing everything," I crossed my arms, "Plus, Bill can do that without screwing it up."
"I never agreed," Bill said.
"No offense, but how do we know the your not going to tell," Mabel said.
"Let's make a deal," I walked up to them, "I won't or Bill won't erase your memories if you don't tell Gideon or Ford that Bill is alive or anything that has happened today dealing with him."
"Deal," They both said.

We shook on the deal and they all saw my markings appear on the ground. Now we have to deal with the other two.

"No locking them up," Stan said, "We can't do that yet."
"Erasing memories seems like our best shot," Pacifica said, "We don't have to feel as bad for these two."
"That is true," Mabel said.
"What about Ford and the metal plate?" Bill asked.
"There is another way..."

We all looked up at the new adult monster. He sounded a bit different.

"There is a honey that can erase memories, but you will need a special flower to erase certain memories,"  The monster explained, "Honey from the Golden Hollow tree and a flower from the mountains shaped like a face."

Bill teleported away without saying a thing. When he came back he had a jar of honey and flowers.

"You will squeeze the flower and think about the memory you will want to erase. The nectar will glow once it understands which memory to erase,"

Mabel grabbed the jar and placed it on the ground. She did want the monster said. It glowed and it was working.

All we need to do is to make them sallow it. We sat Gideon up and placed it inside his mouth. We then went over to Ford and did the same thing.

"I hope this works," I muttered.
"We should get home before it turns late," Stan said.
"You should go," Mabel said, "Before they wake up."
"I should, but I'll teleport you all home before I leave," Bill said.

Bill teleported everyone to the shack and smiled softly. I hugged Bill softly and kissed him on the check.

"See you later," I smiled.
"We should get them into bed or the couch," Stan said.

Bill left and we all helped place Gideon and Ford on the couch. I hope they forget about what happened today.

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