it begins

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Dipper POV

I woke up anxious since today was the day everything will happen. We are going to change the fate of humanity today. As I sat up from my bed I looked at my room one last time before I went on my life-changing adventure.

I got up and touched my desk. I felt this wave of emotion hit me when I looked at the journal that started this whole thing. It was a mixture of frustration and jealousy turning into happiness and freedom. I didn't know how to make of it.

I hear a soft tap on the window and it's a fairy. The creature had dark purple to almost black skin, blood-red wings, a tail, and bright blue eyes. It somewhat looks familiar to me. It couldn't be the same one, could it?

I opened the window quickly and slumped back onto my bed hugging my knees while staring at the fairy flying circles around me. The grape-sized creature flew onto my knee and let out a large yawn before staring back at me.

"What brings you here?" I mumbled.
"..." No answer.
"Nothing, huh?" I sighed, "I guess you know what's coming."
"Are you happy with this path that you have chosen?" The fairy asked.
"What do you mean happy?" I questioned.
"Are you satisfied with what you have chosen to be, Whisperer of Monsters?" The fairy asked me.
"I don't know," I sighed, "Am I doing everything right?"
"That is up for you to decide," The fairy answered.
"I'm scared that I'll mess everything up," I told them.
"Do not be afraid," They told me, "There is no one like you and you will always be you. With every mistake, with every knowledge that you possess will be enough."
"I'm going to be changing everything," I muttered.
"You are turning the world back into its normal," They said.
"..." I didn't respond.
"You are enough..."

I heard a loud knock on my door. The fairy quickly flew away and I stood up to open the door. It was Mabel and she looked ready. She had jean shorts with stars on them, a hot pink crop top, pink socks with her white and pink shoes, and a large purple backpack.

"Are you ready?" Mabel whispered.
"I haven't changed yet," I told her.
"You better hurry up because the moon is going to be at its full soon and we need to walk there," Mabel said.
"I know that," I said.

I told Mabel to wait in her room while I changed so we can get out. I quickly slapped on some jeans, my favorite orange shirt, with my black and white shoes. I walked downstairs to Mabel's room and knocked on the door. She left her room and we went to the living room where we heard a soft knock on the door.

I went to open it and it was Pacifica. She was wearing jean shorts, a light purple shirt, white socks, and brown shoes with a light purple backpack. I told her that we would be out in a couple of seconds since we need to get our uncle before we could go.

Stan wanted to come with us as extra manpower encase something went wrong. Pacifica pointed behind me and I turned around to see Grunkle Stan.

"Ford is still sleeping so we have to leave before he wakes up," Stan told me.
"Okay," I nodded.

We all leave the shack and head into the woods. As we walked deeper into the woods I could only hear the sound of the wild. The birds, the breeze, the wild animals magical and non. I took a deep breath in and out to make sure that everything I heard was real.

I decided to message Bill that we were coming close to the location and that he should meet us there. I felt like I was being watched by the monsters since they knew this was the day that everything was going to change for them.

A Summer that I won't forgetWhere stories live. Discover now