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Third Person

It's been two days since the adventure. Pacifica has been keeping them updated on the bracelet through the group chat. She was still waiting for the astronomer to give her an update.

Pacifica started to get used to Bill. She found him entertaining because of his innocence to the newer world. Even when he hasn't been gone for that long things did change.

Stan wasn't in the group chat but he was caught up with everything in person. Stan didn't want to be a part of the group chat. He felt like it would be too much and just a bunch of stupid stuff. He wasn't wrong since they all also sent stupid stuff. Bill sent a frog slime from his realm. He was pretty cute and it kept changing colors.

Stan, Mabel, Dipper, and Pacifica were outside of the shack. Sammy and Waddles were chilling on the pouch watching them work.

Stan was still making money from people that visited the shack and bought overpriced trash. Pacifica wasn't impressed that he could make people buy that stuff. He was a great businessman and knew how to market it.

"I don't understand why they keep coming for this crap," Mabel said, "No offense."
"I've been doing it for years," Stan said, "I've perfected it."
"I like that you can close the shop early," Dipper said.
"I mean if no one comes I'm not going to keep it open," Stan said.
"I still can't believe people don't know what a trash can is," Pacifica groaned.
"Thanks for helping kids," Stan smiled.

They all smiled and switched to random conversation. When they were almost finished they saw Candy race towards them.

"Hey Candy!" Mabel smiled.
"I need help," Candy was out of breath.
"What's going on?" Stan asked.
Candy caught her breath and explained, "Ford and Gideon decided it would be a smart idea to bother something in the woods."
"Ugh!" Mabel, Pacifica, and Dipper groaned.
"Sometimes I think about locking him up in a cage," Stan blurted out.
"I guess we have to help," Mabel sighed.
"I mean, do we really?" Dipper said.
"Come on, kids," Stan sighed, "Even when he's being an ass we still have to help."
"Waddles," Mabel called.
"Sammy!" Pacifica called.

Everyone followed Candy to the woods. They were all a bit curious about what Ford was trying to do. Stan hoped that none of the kids were hurt since most likely Grenda and Gideon were with Ford.

Stan asked Candy where they were headed. Candy explained that it was near the other side of the lake. Dipper and Mabel had never been to the other side of the lake.

Pacifica and Stan were a bit worried since some of the monsters were a bit more aggressive. Well, it was mainly Gideon's fault for that.

Dipper ended up teleporting everyone to the lake since it was taking so long. Candy was a bit confused when they were suddenly at the lake.

They started to race towards the other side. Sammy started to hide in Pacifica's hair as they got closer to wherever Ford, Grenda, and Gideon were. When they had finally arrived, Grenda was stuck on a tree, Gideon was trying to get his foot out of a hole, and Ford was held by a monster.

"Ford, what did you do?" Stan asked.
"Can someone help me get down first?" Grenda shouted.
"Give me a second," Dipper sighed.

Stan wasn't surprised that Dipper would fly, but he did expect wings. He could have wings, but then he would have to think of a monster that has wings and that was too much effort for him.

A Summer that I won't forgetWhere stories live. Discover now