We finally meet

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Dipper pov

I heard a loud ring right next to my ear. I groaned softly as I slapped my phone screen and slid my phone closer to me. I opened my eyes and realized that it was Mabel's phone that was right next to me. I turn off the alarm and read the small memo that Mabel always writes in her alarms.

"I forgot that we were supposed to see that magical creature that knew everything," I mumbled, "I guess I should wake everyone up."

I regret staying up all night and now I'm tired as shit. We spent hours reading that night trying to figure out what we needed to do in order to successfully start the ceremony. We had some luck, but not enough to place the final pieces of the puzzle together. We already knew the basics like the location, who needs to be there, and what day, but that's all we have.

I turned around and noticed that Mabel has half of her body and Pacifica. I see Sammy just chilling on top of Waddles which I'm not too surprised.

"Guys, we have to do an adventure today," I told them, "You two need to wake up before I hit you guys with pillows."
"No," Mabel mumbled, "Five more minutes."
"The alarm already woke me up, so now I have to wake you up," I told her.
"Noooo," Mabel moaned.
"I can't get up since Mabel is on me and that means I can still sleep," Pacifica said.
"Dipper wait!" Mabel shouted.

I start to throw stuffed animals at them and Mabel still wouldn't get up. I sighed and started to hit Mabel with a pillow until she got up.

"Fine," Mabel sighed, "I'll get up."
"What time is it either way?" Pacifica yawned.
"It's eleven," I answered.
"Can we eat and then go on the adventure?" She asked.
"Yes, we're definitely eating something before going," I said.
"We need to go to the store and buy an offering for the cat creature," Mabel said, "I gave him chips last time."

We all went to get ready for the day. After getting ready we were all downstairs putting on our shoes. We all froze when we saw Ford walking into the living room and into the kitchen.

" I wonder if he remembers anything?" Pacifica whispered.
"I hope he doesn't remember because then I'm as good as dead," I reminded her.

We all stay quiet until he comes back into the kitchen and stares at all of us for a second before drinking some coffee and leaving us be. I felt my whole soul leave my body and come back in a matter of seconds. I hoped that spell worked because if it didn't then we have another thing to worry about other than the ceremony.

Stan came downstairs and smiled at us, "Morning kids."
"Morning Stan," Pacifica said.
"Ford woke up and grabbed coffee," Mabel said.
"Alright, but that coffee was from last night," Stan said, "Did anything else happen?"
"He just stared at us for a couple seconds and then left," I said.
"He's always quiet in the morning expect if he's up all night on an experiment then he's a little loopy," Stan explained, "I'll watch him and report if anything seems off."
"Okay," We all nodded.
"We're going into town," Mabel said.
"Don't spend too much money and don't do anything that will get you hurt," Stan told us.

We all left the shack and walked further down the forest before I teleported us closer to town since we were all still a little tired. They all went to the diner and grabbed a bite to eat and coffee to wake up.

"What if we bring the creature pancakes?" Pacifica asked, "Maybe it'll like it."
"Maybe, does the cat creature have anything against pancakes?" I asked Mabel.
"I don't think so," Mabel answered, "I've only been there once."
"Is you know who coming?" Pacifica asked.
"I should text him about it and see if he wants to come and he could meet us in the forest," I mumbled.

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