Almost caught

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Dipper POV

I was in my room writing in my journal and drawing the monsters as best as I can. I took photos of the monsters so I can draw them later.

"I'm so proud of myself," I muttered, "I'm almost finished with my journal."
"Only a few more pages," I smiled.

I went into my closet and I decided to change into a tank top. This heatwave is fucking killing me and I can't take off more of my clothes.

"I hate that Stan doesn't know what an air conditioner is," I groaned, "I need a breeze or something... maybe I'll go get ice cream later with Mabel."

I heard something fall off behind me. I turned around and I saw Bill. He smiled softly and waved awkwardly at him as he picked up the books that he dropped.

"I didn't mean to," Bill said.
I chuckled and went over to him, "It's okay, It was an accident. it won't bother me."

I sat down in my bed and stared at him.

"What brings you here?" I asked him.
"I haven't seen you in a while and..." Bill didn't want to finish his sentence.
"And?" I repeated.
"I was bored and..." Bill muttered the rest.
"Come here," I patted my bed.

Bill took off his shoes before he sat next to me. I'm glad he at least knew to take off his shoes before sitting in the bed.

"Did you miss me?" I asked him with a smile.
"Pfff, no," Bill didn't make eye contact with me.
"Then look at me and tell me," I told him.
Bill looked at me, "I did miss Sapling."
"It wasn't that hard to say," I teased him.
"I'm not used to expressing meatsack emotions," Bill crossed his arms, "This is my first time in this human form."
"What's your regular form then?" I asked him.
"I was a yellow triangle with an eye," Bill explained, "I had a cane sometimes and a black top hat with a tie."
"That sounds adorable," I said, "You must have looked so cute."
"I was not cute," Bill pouted, "I was feared by everyone."
"A little triangle,"  I pinched his cheek, "With an adorable bow tie."
"Sapling, you are being mean," Bill pouted.
"I'm just teasing you," I muttered.
"Um..." Bill crossed his arms and didn't look at me, "I was terrifying, not cute."

I hugged him and he somewhat flinched. He still thinks this is an ineffective human attack.

"Don't be grumpy," I mumbled, "I bet you scared everyone."
"That's right," Bill placed his arm around me, "They groveled before me."
"Did they really?" I questioned.
"Most of the time," Bill answered honestly.
"You still have your demon powers right?" I asked him.
"Yes," Bill told me.

I decided to place my head on his lap and think about Bill. He's been alive for so long and he must have been so lonely... he's probably the only demon human here on earth.

"Were you always... alone?" I asked him.
"Pardon?" Bill sounded so formal.
"Sorry, I just started thinking about what you told me a while back. You were here since the earth was and I was just thinking how lonely that must be," I explained, "I'm assuming that this is the first time you've been in this human form... You couldn't make friends and even if you did you'll have to watch them die."
"I've never been human and I don't remember my youth as much. Seventeen is so... young. Being human is still odd to me especially when it comes to these feelings. Even in my realm I am still feared and I didn't make friends," Bill told me, "I never had any friends so I'm used to it. I couldn't make friends with humans since I was different. I was angry and I found happiness in the suffering of others. That's who I've always been."

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