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POV Dipper

Mabel told me what happened yestarday. I'm still in shock since I can't go home until the bubble is broken and even the monsters want me to open it before the summer ends. I need to talk to Bill and he has to teach me how to control my powers as soon as possible. Mabel and Stan are great at helping me, but none of us now what we're doing. I can set stuff on fire on command, I can talk and transform into monsters willingly, and I can make stuff float. That's all I can do! I can't do anything else.

I still need to know more about the legend and I need to do this on my own... well, with Bill since he can teleport and he's also heavily involved. A part of knows that Mabel found something out and isn't telling me. I know she's trying to keep me safe, but I need to know everything I can about the legend. She's been acting funny since yestdary and I have no memory about what happened.

All I remember are the woods and everyone running before everything went blank. I just feel so usless since I don't know what's going on with me. The marks are still on my body and I've been feeling warm, but not in a sick way. I just feel hot all the time and I don't know what to do.

I've stayed in my room with shorts and a tank top and a blanket near by incase Ford magically decided to talk to me. I know that'll never happen to me, but I have to be prepared. Mabel decided to work in the mystery shack today with Stan. I went through one of my journals and ripped out a random page. I wrote that I was heading out. I couldn't write anything too much incase Ford saw the note.

I quickly raced down the stairs hoping no one was in the living room so I could sneak out. My window isn't big enough for me to escape through there. I raced deep into the woods. I started to hear every voice possible as I ran. I tried to ignore them as I ran as far as possible away from the town.

Apart of me wanted to see how far I could go before collapsing onto the group or until the bubble stopped me. I ended up tripped over a tree root that popped out of the ground. I sat up and looked at the dirt in front of me.

What am I even doing anymore? I stood up and called Bill. Sometimes I forget that he has a cell phone and I don't have to risk his safety if I want to see him.

He answered and I asked him to come to this realm. He wasn't hestaint and came as soon as I hung up the phone. I didn't know what was going to happen when he came. I didn't know if I wanted to cry, or if I wanted to scream. I stared at him not knowing if tears filled up my eyes or if I just looked pissed.

"Bill," I said.
"Sapling," He smiled softly, "Look at you..."
"What's wrong with me?" I asked.

He chuckled and came closer to me. I felt a soft kiss on my forehead before he held me. I felt my cheeks turn red as I look at him and I forgot about my marks. I can't make them go away.

"When did these come in?" Bill asked.
"Yesttarday," I told him.
I felt Bill touch my forearm and he just stares at them, "When did this one happened? I know that I didn't give this to you and you're not suppose to have it."
I mumbled, "That was the first mark I ever got. It's just like yours."
Bill just looked confused, "I'm just confused how?"

Bill looked at me and I felt his hand on my cheek. I remembered the fairy and how they came into the window that day. How it bit my finger and gave me that connetion to him.

"The fairy bit me and it appeared," I told him.
"I thought I was the only one who can have that mark," Bill told him, "I've always been told that I'm the only one that should have that. I can't even give it to anyone."
"Bill?" I muttered.
"Yes?" He answered.
"I need you to teach me how to use my powers. Mabel and Stan can only do so much with teaching me how to work my magic. I've been using it every day since that day. It'll be normal and Ford won't
suspect anything," I looked at him, "We also need to find out more about the legend."
"Which one would you rather do first?" Bill asked him.
"Do you think we can do both?" I asked him.
"Possibly," Bill told me.

A Summer that I won't forgetWhere stories live. Discover now