Not the Future Told

905 47 18

Third Person

"Triangulum, Entangulum, Meteforis Dominus Ventium."

Mabel quickly crawled away from the circle and saw Bill magically appear. His eyes widen as he saw Stan standing in front of him. As his body started to shake a strip of his hair turned purple. His legs felt weak and quickly fell to the floor.

"H-How did..." Bill was in complete shock.

Bill realized Mabel was on the ground and strip hair was red and blue.

"How could you!" Bill shouted at Mabel.

Stan and Mabel noticed that more of his hair turned blue.

"You promised that you wouldn't tell them I was here," Bill told me, "I-I never got to say goodbye to him."

Mabel quickly crawled to him and held his face so he wouldn't avoid eye contact with her.

"Bill, I didn't betray you," Mabel told him, "You know that I would never do this... You know-"
"No!" Bill pushed her away, "You broke a promise! You know about the awful things I did and you know that the moment they know that I'm alive, I'm dead. That's it for me! I'll never be able to see anything or anyone again."
"Bill, listen to me, he isn't going to hurt you," Mabel tried explaining.
"Everyone in the fucking town wants me dead! Who wouldn't want me to suffer a painful death after what I did to everyone?" Bill said, "After everything I did... he still wants to be around me."

Mabel didn't know how much that sentence meant. She only assumed that he meant what he did to the town. She didn't know the real reason why Bill wanted to be friends with Dipper at first.

Mabel cut straight to the point, "You won't be able to say goodbye to him if he dies."
"W-What?" Bill stuttered.
"Something is happening and I don't know what is happening to him. That's why I called you and- and that's why Stan is here because he carried Dipper here." Mabel quickly explained, "He also knew the words and- and I don't want to lose my baby brother."

Stan stepped away showing Dipper against the tree. Bill quickly went over to Dipper and started to hold him. His hair went back to yellow before turning purple again.

"Sapling, it's going to be okay," Bill mumbled, "I'm right here. What happened?"
"Ever since he was little he's always had nightmares and- and he hadn't had any since we got here until last night," Mabel explained, "He draws his nightmares and then goes to sleep right after. He was in the living room while I was in the kitchen. He just fell over and started to cough blood and-"
"Bill..." Dipper mumbled softly.
"Sapling, I'm right here," Bill told him.
"I'm...," Dipper smiled softly.

Bill was about to say something until Dipper started to cough. They all saw flowers escape his lips and then blood running down his lips right after.

"Sorry," Dipper mumbled.

Dipper wrapped his arms around Bill and smiled softly. Dipper mumbled something that Mabel and Stan couldn't hear.

Dipper's eyes rolled back and his arms became lifeless again.

"Pinetree, d-don't worry," Bill said.

Bill picked up Dipper and laid him on the ground where there was more room.

"What are you doing?" Mabel asked.
"I'm going in his mind," Bill told her, "Sapling's physical body isn't harmed but his body in his subconscious is being harmed by a creature."

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