Red Moon

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Dipper POV

Everyone was waiting for Ford and Gideon to wake up the next day to see if everything worked. Candy and Grenda were under a tight watch to make sure that they would say anything, but they were under contact to say anything. Bill was the one to explain what happened if the contract was broken which scared them. They wouldn't be risking their lives.

Bill quickly disappeared into the woods after helping everyone back to the shack. Candy and Grenda were escorted home by our uncle Stan. I think he was trying to put them at ease about what was going to happen. We haven't even caught him up about what we were going to do.

Pacifica kept staring at Gideon with her arms crossed and Sammy around her shoulders. I guess we're all wondering if that spell worked. I'm more worried about Ford since he has a metal plate in his brain that keeps Bill away from his mind. He never mentioned magic or anything else magical to Mabel, Pacifica or I.

"What are we going to tell them when they wake up?" Pacifica asked, "How am I supposed to explain to his parents about what happened to him and why he is asleep?"
"We never thought that far ahead," Mabel sighed as she slide her back against the wall to land on the ground, "We only thought about a short term solution."
"We need to fill in the gap somehow," Pacifica said, "We need a story and we all have to tell the other parties."
"I'm still wraping my head around the part where Candy and Grenda know now about Bill's existance and how I basically left them no other opinion to make them do a deal with me," I mumbled.
"I thought you would have been thinking about how you almost died," Mabel said.
"Well, yeah, but that's not that important right now," I told her.
"We erased everything but the part where Mabel was stolen by the monster," Pacifica said, "Oh my gosh, Dipper, aren't you freezing? You've been in wet clothes this whole time."
"Why don't we say that Dipper saved my life since it is expected," Mabel said, "Gideon and Ford tired fighting the monster and that would explain their injuries and their broken weapons."
"That could work," I said.
"Problem solved! Now we have to tell Stan, Candy, and Grenda that and the lie would be golden," Mabel smiled.
"Go change!" Pacifica demanded, "You are still wet."
"I'm going," I said.

I ended up taking longer than expected since I took a shower since I was in a lake and a mystery pond. When I came downstairs Ford and Gideon were still on the couch and the girls were in the kichen. Pacifica was looking out the window while talking on the phone and I shuffled to Mabel to ask what was going on.

"I have no clue, but it seems important," Mabel told me, "She's been on the phone for about five minutes."
"Thank you Dr. Pathway," Pacifica stopped looking out the window and closed the curtains, "Bye."
"What was the call about?" Mabel asked.
"Can I borrow someone's computer?" Pacifica asked.
"I'll get mine," Mabel went to go get hers.
"I hope she knows that I could have gotten it with my powers," I told her.
"I mean her room is also down the hall," Pacifica pointed out.
"That is true," I mumbled.
Mabel walked in and smiled, "Got it."
"That was the call that we were waiting for about the moon," Pacifica said, answering Mabel's first question.
"What did he say?" I questioned.
Pacifica went on Mabel's computer and we all stared at the screen, "It's called the Celestial Blood Moon. It only appears every Quadrillion years-"
"That's a lot of zeros," Mabel pointed out.
"It is," I agreed.
"Anyway, it's a once in a lifetime opportunity to see one and it's happening in two days," Pacifica told us, "Look outside."

We both went towards the window and looked outside since there was still daylight outside. How did we both not realize that the moon was out but red? We were almost at full moon!

"How did we not see that?!" We both exclaim.
"Dr. Pathway told me that it's a scientific phenomenon called Celestial Fallen," Pacifica started to explain, "The moon will purposely change back to its original color for a couple hours before switching back. Also, only certain people can see the moon changes until night time."
"So, I can only see it because it decided to change color," Mabel pouted.
"Yes," Pacifica answered.
"I'm so sorry Mabel," I said.
"That means whoever can see it must be a monster or demon, right?" Mabe mumbled.
"Yes," Pacifica and I nodded.
"I'll send a quick text message to Bill about this and we have to start planning everything," I said.
"I wonder if we need anything traditional to do this," Mabel wondered.
"Traditional?" Pacifica asked.
"Yeah, this is probably going to go down in history and it might be important for everything," Mabel told us, "We should ask someone about that."
"I don't think me looking nice is important," I told her.
"What if it is," Mabel pouted.
"Fine, we can see if that is important," Pacifica said, "But we have to focus on the important stuff."
"We already have the location and the date," Mabel started to list it out, "You already know the words."
"I don't know that," I told her, "It's in my head but I don't know it at the same time."
"That's an issue," Pacifica said, "I don't think Bill knows it either."
"We're kinda fucked," I said.
"Don't give up," Mabel said, "Maybe there is a monster that was there when it happened."
"The only monster I knew that was old died not even an hour ago," I told her.
"Sorry for your lost, but I'm not talking about that monster," Mabel said, "I don't think you've ever meant this one, but I have. They know everything that has happened in history and they can even see the future."
"There is no way there is a creature like that," I muttered.
"We can go there tomorrow because we need to buy him some snacks as an offering," Mabel said, "I have them a bag of chips last time. I'm thinking about giving them cookies or even candy."
"You have to give him an offering?" Pacifica said.
"I don't know if it is necessary, but it's just nice to do," Mabel explained, "I brought snacks just in case I needed them."
"Where is it?" I asked.
"It's in another relam, but I know how to get there using my necklace," Mabel smiled.
"Alright then," I said.
"Today, we'll read more information Dr. Pathway emailed me and we read the magical books that you guys have to see if there is anything else we need to know," Pacifica said.
"Yeah," Mabel smiled
"I guess that's the plan for today," I said.
"Don't we have to drop Gideon off at his house?" Mabel reminded us.
"Shit," We both said.
"I forgot about him," Pacifica said.
"We also need to get Ford into bed also," Mabel pointed out.
"We will wait until Stan gets home to deal with Gideon," I said, "Let's try to get Ford to his room."

The three carried Ford to his room and placed him in his bed. When the three came back Stan was entering the house with his car keys.

"Grunkle Stan!" Mabel smiled.
"I realized that I forgot Gideon when I dropped the girls off home," Stan said.
"We also realized that too," Pacifica said, "We kind of forgot that he was here still."
"Do you guys want to help me drop him off and pick up dinner on the way home? I don't feel like cooking since it has been a day," Stan said.
"Yes," We all said.

Stan didn't question that Pacifica was staying for dinner and we were all fine with that. We helped Stan get him into the car and also caught him up on everything that was happening so far. Stan told us that he was going on this next adventure since he was getting concerned about everything. A magical monster that can see the past, present, and future with a Celestial Blood Moon coming up... It's not a surprised that he would want to come because everything is happening fast and he wanted to make sure that we were all safe.

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