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POV Mabel

Dippin Dots hasn't been outside since everything happened. He sits in the front yard and stares at the woods. I hope this isn't because of our conversation two days ago.

Stan and I are getting REALLY worried. I mean I don't think he's eaten anything too or he has and we haven't seen him eating. I have noticed fewer fruits in the bowl so maybe he's just being healthy.

Waddles hasn't left Dipper's side since the conversation, and he's been looking at the woods too. I'm wondering if something is happening that I don't know about. I hope it isn't anything dangerous.

Them staring at the woods all morning and afternoon is becoming concerning. The book isn't giving me important information about what this could be.

Dipper wasn't outside which I'm glad for. He's been watching TV with me the whole time. I hope that little phase is out of his system because it was getting concerning.

"Do you think ghost turtle is based on an actual turtle?" Dipper muttered, "Would that mean that someone saw a paranormal turtle, or was it just a ghost on a sheet."
"Why are you thinking about this?" I asked him.
"I mean... we're in this town that is filled with magical stuff," Dipper said.
"We haven't even seen a ghost yet," I told him.
"What about the ghost babies with legs?" Dipper asked.
"I don't think those count," I mumbled, "They aren't really ghost but they look like a cartoon ghost."
"But they can still disappear and stuff," Dipper muttered.
"Do ghost count as monsters?" I questioned out loud.
"I feel like they should," Dipper told me.
"Dipper, Mabel!" Grunkle Stan yelled, "I need you two to take out the trash and see if Waddles went through the trash! I have a feeling that he did!"
"Okay!" We both yelled.

We both got up and went to collect the trash bags that were near the door. Dipper grabbed an extra trash bag just in case Waddles actually did go through the trash.

"I hope Waddles didn't make a mess," Dipper sighed, "I really don't feel like picking any trash up."
"You know he probably did," I told him.

We both walk near the trash can and we see the trash cans tipped over. Surprisingly, none of the trash bags were torn. Well, except for one which isn't that bad.

We both picked up the trash and placed it inside a bag. While we were finishing up we started to hear rustling and footsteps.

"Mabel, Dipper!" Pacifica shouted.
"Hey?" Dipper questioned.
"Hey!" I smiled.
Gideon followed her, "Can I ask you for a small favor?"
"What's up?" I asked her.
"Small is feeling sad because I accidentally squashed this flower he found," Pacifica showed us a photo, "He is refusing to make eye contact with me."
"Hisss!" Sammy flew to Dipper and sat around his neck instead of hers, "Ssss."
"He's still upset," Dipper muttered, "I understand the frustration."
"We were kinda hoping that you could help me find it," Pacifica asked, "The flower. Gideon was not too much help."
"I tried," Gideon pouted.
"You have a photo of the flower?" Dipper asked while petting Sammy.
"Here," Pacifica showed us a photo.
"I've seen that before," Dipper said, "It's pretty far."
"Really?" Pacifica asked.
"Yeah," Dipper nodded.
"I tried to find it but I have no idea where it is and I really couldn't talk to Sammy," Pacifica said.
"I'll tell Stan that we're helping you," I raced inside and told him.

He told us to be safe and to be back before it get super dark. We all started to walk in a certain direction. Dipper and Sammy were having a conversation.

A Summer that I won't forgetWhere stories live. Discover now