Eaten Book

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Pov Dipper

It's been a few days since Stan made a ban on us trying to figure out the legend. Mabel and I haven't stopped looking for the answer. She's been reading that book the lady from the tent gave us.

I was in my room looking at my journal. For some reason, a certain page kept catching my eyes. It was the one with the little ghost and its dad.  They haven't told me what their species is called, but I've been labeling them as ghost and ghost babies.

"Why do I keep coming back to you?" I sighed.
"BRO!" Mabel opened the door and jumped on top of me, "I think I've cracked it!"
"Mabel, get off of me," I groaned.
"Sorry," She chuckled.

Mabel rolled off of me and went to close the door. She checked if Ford or Stan were outside of the room before locking it. Mabel went over and sat down next to me.

"Look at this page," Mabel pointed at a Greek mythology symbol.
"What does Greek mythology have to do with the legend?" I asked.
"Didn't the mama bear say that they were hybrids in the world," Mabel said.
"Yes," I answered.
"Wouldn't it make sense if... there were human hybrids?" Mabel stated, "I mean these legends of all types of mythology had to come from somewhere. People think that these were stories, but what if these creatures were real."
"Mabel, that... that's," I started to think about it.
"Maybe this is our next clue into solving this mystery! If the mythology that we're taught is true, that means the creatures that we know are real," Mabel said, "The bigger question is, why are the hybrids only in gravity falls?"
"The bubble Mabel!" I said, "The history books say that the only reason why Bill and the other creatures couldn't escape was that there was a magical bubble."
"Wouldn't Bill have known this? It doesn't add up since he's been here since the earth was created," Mabel muttered, "Wouldn't he have known the legend and the bubble?"
"That's a good point," I said, "Wouldn't that also mean that the whole mythology thing would be false?"
"That's the only led we actually have," Mabel whined, "My brain hurts."
"No one told you to re-read that book," I said.
"That's the only lead we have and I'm going with it," Mabel pouted.
"Bill can't be the only creature that has lived since the beginning," I said, "That doesn't make any sense. There is no way that only one creature and be created the same time as the earth was."
"In the book, it says that half-human mortals hid away with the half-monster and half-demon creatures from a dangerous creature." Mabel read out loud, "That they hid in the area where no one can find them. In an area filled with trees and mountains where the creature could not find them."

I looked at my journal and looked at the ghost.

"I know that this monster has been alive for thousands of years," I said, "Maybe he knows something about this."
"We could try," Mabel said, "Do you know where he is?"
"No, but if I find the ghost baby he'll show up," I told Mabel.
"We should ask Bill too," Mabel said, "I mean what if he forgot since he's been alive for so long. I mean if I were to alive for that long I would forget a lot of things."
"Mabel! Pacifica is at the door for you!" Ford shouted.
"Can you do this tomorrow?" Mabel asked politely.
"Of course," I smiled at her, "Good luck."
Mabel blushed, "Shut up."
"I'll keep the book here for now while you hang out with Pacifica," I told her.
"Thanks, bro," Mabel smiled.

Mabel went downstairs. I went to hid my journal and the large book. I laid down in my bed and looked at my arm.

"I should tell Mabel soon," I muttered to myself.

What if I summon Bill... Mabel is hanging out with Pacifica. Ford doesn't come upstairs and Stan only does when Mabel can't come and get me.

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