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Mabel and Dipper dropped everything before racing outside. They saw people panicking as monsters appeared.

"Why are they all here?" Mabel muttered as she carried Waddles.
"Bill told me that they were coming because they think it's safe because of me," Dipper whispered.
"We have a recuse mission now," Mabel said.
"Ford is here..." Dipper remembered.
"Oh shit," Mabel sighed.

The two went to assure the townspeople that everything is okay. A few people didn't believe them at first but then when they mentioned that they were related to Ford and Stan they believed them.

"Come here fire breathing fox," Mabel tried calling it light a dog, "Come here~"
"Mabel, it's not a dog," Dipper muttered.
"Maybe it'll work," Mabel pouted.

The fox started to follow Mabel as they both went to save more creatures. Dipper told the fox to go back home since it wasn't safe here. Dipper saw a plaidypus which was interesting.

It was trapped inside a plastic container with a familiar net covering the exit. Mabel went to go save it. Waddles started to oink aggressively and jumped out of Mabel's arms. Waddles started to pull Mabel's shirt so she wouldn't go near it.

"Mabel, stop!" Mabel took off the net.
"Here you go little guy," Mabel smiled, "Why did you want me to stop?"
"What the hell!" Dipper shouted.

Dipper went over to the next and tried to grab it. With the little skin that peaked out of the bandages, he felt burning. He quickly dropped it.

"Why didn't it burn you?" DIpper pouted.
"I don't know," Mabel muttered, "Was this the same net that you saved Waddles from."
"Yes, and Waddles tried saving you," Dipper told her.
"Maybe since you can talk to monsters it has something to do with it," Mabel muttered, "I have a theory but I may be way off."
"What's the theory?" Dipper asked.

Dipper picked up the creature and cradled it.

"Maybe.. you're not fully human," Mabel said, "I know it sounds crazy but will explain your powers."
"It makes sense," Dipper muttered, "But a part of me wants to be fully human."
"I mean look at the bright, we're living everyone's secret dream of exploring and living a fantasy world," Mabel picked up Waddles, "Maybe we need to think about the possibility that you're not human. Even when I am but we're still together in this! As older sibling code I'll be with you till the end."
"Thanks, Mabel," I smiled.
"More pets?" Mabel smiled.
"I don't think we can keep him," Dipper told Mabel, "He has a poisonous apparatus on their hind legs. Which will be bad if they end up fighting."
"Okay... no plaidypus then," Mabel muttered, "But he is cute."
"We should recuse more animals," Dipper said.
"GIDEON NO!" Pacifica shouted.
Mabel didn't realize that she said this, "I'm coming, Pacifica!"

Mabel raced towards Pacifica's voice and Dipper followed with a smile on his face. The way Mabel spoke and ran with Waddles in her arms.

Dipper went near the woods dropped up the creature and then went back to Mabel. They saw Stan, Ford, Gideon, Candy, Grenda, and Pacifica standing near the foundation.

"Beep! Beep!"

The little ghost was trapped in the net panicking. Gideon had a weapons pointed at the ghost and that was already in enough pain.

A Summer that I won't forgetWhere stories live. Discover now