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POV Dipper

I can't believe that Ford placed all of those nets around and outside the shack. I mean what was the point? Don't get me started on Gideon! Why was he even at the shack anyway?

Mabel went along with me to get healed by the fairies. I told her that Bill's birthday was today yesterday. She wanted to make him something and I know it isn't a sweater. It takes her at least two days to make one. If she really focused on it at least.

Mabel told me that we needed to figure out a way to control my powers. She said I almost burned down the forest while going into it. I didn't mean to cause harm to the trees, but anger just filled me.

I-I just hope that Grunkle Stan isn't mad at me...

"Dipper!" Mabel shouted as she kicked my door open.
"Mabel, you're going to break the door," I told her.
"Sorry," Mabel left to then open and close the door.
"You didn't have to do that," I said.
"Are we seeing Bill today? Because I have his gift inside this box," Mabel smiled.
"What did you make him?" I asked.
"It's a surprise," Mabel bopped my nose, "What did you make and or bought him? Since I assume that you knew before me."
"It's a surprise," I said.
"Damn it..." Mabel muttered, "I really want to know."
"Let's go to the woods and summon him," I told her, "I know how to do it."
"Alright," Mabel smiled.

I grabbed the small box and shoved it into my pocket. Mabel told Grunkle Stan that we were going to go into town and walk around.

When we left the shack Mabel and I raced deep into the woods so we can summon Bill. Since it's dirt we could always kick it and our tracks would be erased.

Mabel wanted to summon Bill and I taught her how to. She was very excited to summon him since she's never done it before.

It took a while for Bill to arrive which was a little odd to me. It's always so quick when I do it, but maybe it's because I'm some sort of magical.

Bill appeared and there was something different about him. Mabel went to hug him until she realized something.

"Did you get taller and more muscular?" Mabel question.
"Did I?" Bill muttered.
"You fucking did. Because now I have to look up to make eye contact," Mabel pouted, "Before I didn't have too as much but now I actually do."

Mabel started to poke Bill's arms. I started to look at Bill and I did notice everything Mabel saw. He was taller and did gain more muscle.

"Shooting Star," Bill started to push her hands away, "Stop that!"
"There is no way the human body can do that," Mabel said.
"Remember Shooting Star," Bill said, "I'm a demon."
"Bill, didn't you say that your power grew today," I asked him, "Shouldn't this be normal?"
"Yes, it-" Bill's eyes widen when he looked at me.

Bill went up to me and I felt his hand on my cheek. His face was filled with worry. I saw his lips move but for some reason, I couldn't hear him.

"Sapling, I'm sorry for yelling," I felt his thumb brush against my cheekbone, "I just... who hurt you?"

I looked at him and I couldn't say a word. What should I say?

"It was one of Ford's nets," I told him, "But I'm fine now."
"W-What?" Bill asked.
"Ford keeps setting up his nets even when he knows that they hurt him," Mabel kicked the tree, "He still hasn't apologized."

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